Sentences with phrase «bridge learning gaps»

Additionally, we have quarterly data days during professional development where we review our assessment data, look for trends, and plan for how to bridge any learning gaps that exist.
This was targeted instruction for students to bridge learning gaps — traditional models had not been successful for them.
Assess the impact of your programs and services, while empowering students to identify and bridge learning gaps outside of the classroom.
Since individuals have different learning styles and capabilities, traditional training is not an effective method for bridging learning gaps.

Not exact matches

«Since the industry is in its infancy, customers are learning so much about products, processes, and brands, we produce innovative content to bridge the gap
l also learned from my eight years running sales and marketing that consultants were the biggest disappointment, and yet the only option to bridge the skills gap that existed in the market.
Learn more about how the generation gaps in business are affecting company health and profits in her book, Confident Leadership in 21st Century Business: Bridging the Generation Gaps, now available on Amazon (US and Canagaps in business are affecting company health and profits in her book, Confident Leadership in 21st Century Business: Bridging the Generation Gaps, now available on Amazon (US and CanaGaps, now available on Amazon (US and Canada).
The program basically bridges the gap between what students learn and what corporate asks for.
Only as laymen decide they care enough about the applications of the Christian faith to unite in study under leadership, or to unite in discussion to learn from one another in a fellowship, are we apt to get far toward bridging the gap between the Church and the world.
I understand the 30 plus rule but surely we must go all out to keep Kos as there is a learning gap to bridge between the upcoming young cbs and the older heads.
Educational media opportunities begin after age 2, when media may play a role in bridging the learning achievement gap.
PBS KIDS announced its first «Summer Safari» — a learning initiative to help bridge the summer learning gap.
You will begin to learn how to bridge the cultural gap between S&T and the policy process, and how to foster more effective interaction between the sectors.
AAAS's Career Development Center offers a range of online learning courses to members and non-members alike to bridge professional gaps.
«Using deep learning, we set out to bridge the gap in image quality between inexpensive mobile phone - based microscopes and gold - standard bench - top microscopes that use high - end lenses,» Ozcan said.
The conference Bridging the Gap Between Research, Policy and Practice, which Knight organized in London in 2011, was attended by knowledge brokers from many sectors, including government, charities, universities, consultancies, and learned societies, she says.
So whether your team consists of researchers who are 90, 19, or anything in between, you can learn to bridge those gaps and still pave the way to success and innovation.
Special Features Learning From Experience: Director Nancy Meyers and the cast discuss bridging the «generation gap» in a humorous way Designs On Life: Learn about the film's runway - ready looks and eye - popping interior design The Three Interns: An exclusive interview with Comedy Central fan faves Adam DeVine, Zack Pearlman and newcomer Jason Orley
This resource helps to bridge the gap between initial learning and final assessment and covers all aspect of the level 2 ICT specifications.
Its goal is to bridge the gap between information and action, providing a clear process for using data to improve teaching and learning.
We're essentially bridging the gap between learning the concepts of coding and learning how to code in the same way a developer does; children learn languages quickly and easily, so why not teach them the real language of technology?
As Kristen Wideen (@MrsWideen) demonstrates with her mixed first and second grade class, screencasting bridges the gap between the physical and the virtual in order to extend the learning context.
«Principles of Mechanics: Fundamental University Physics» has been designed to provide students with an invaluable go - to resource on classical mechanics that bridges the gaps between basic and more advanced learning.
A personal SEN budget could: add to existing learning support, providing a more consistent offer of support to the child or young person; fund time to bring all key parties together to bridge the gap between home and school / other learning provision and to build a team of dedicated support people (including family); fund some specialist input; fund work experience or a work - based learning opportunity; and add to the technology available to promote a student's individual style of learning.
How do we better bridge the gap between research and practice to encourage innovation in learning?
Medford High Students Chosen as Finalists in National Challenge (The Medford Transcript) As part of a national challenge with HGSE's Making Caring Common and The KIND Foundation, a student team from Medford were selected as finalists and will develop their project to bridge the gap between academic English language learning and everyday language use and needs.
If you want to bridge real gaps for your learning audience, it's vital to have great digital learning.
One might discover that they've been performing a task incorrectly, while another learns from their mistake and bridges a skill gap.
Start with your audience by asking questions so you can give them the digital learning that bridges the gap.
To learn more about why learning professionals must be more aware of these consumer desires and work to find innovative ways to bridge the gap between current state and ideal state, download the free eBook 7 Consumer Realities That The Learning Industry Can No Longer Ignorlearning professionals must be more aware of these consumer desires and work to find innovative ways to bridge the gap between current state and ideal state, download the free eBook 7 Consumer Realities That The Learning Industry Can No Longer IgnorLearning Industry Can No Longer Ignore today.
Via the Science of Learning Research Centre (SLRC), future research at the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) seeks to bridge the gap between neuroscience, cognitive psychology and education.
«This is about implementing a learning framework, a supported, scaffolded professional learning framework that bridges the gap between graduating a degree — whether it's a four - year degree or a master's degree — and becoming a fully competent and capable operating teacher.
Bridging that gap is one of the greatest challenges facing the developed world today, and the adoption of AI and machine learning will only compound that challenge.
While most learning management systems don't bridge the gap, some advanced analytics tools, such as Zoola, provide the connection that your organization needs for proving ROI.
By giving students a greater and more immediate stake in their schoolwork and their learning, such student - accountability policies could bridge the gap between effort and reward.
Learn how to bridge the gap.
Grades: 9 - 12 As part of fulfilling its mission to bridge the gap between educational research and instructional practice, the Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL) has compiled this collection of Economic Lesson plans and activities for use in the classroom.
How does Py bridge the gap between using a computer screen as opposed to learning how to code on smaller devices?
At Bickley Park, we are constantly responding to research into how to bridge the gender gap: school development over the summer was fuelled by how to optimise boys» performance, resulting in the introduction of a new food technology classroom — providing hands on learning — and an outdoor timber trail to let pupils burn off energy at break times.»
At HGSE, I sought to learn how to bridge the communication gap between researchers and educators.
The principal invested in learning leaders - a middle leadership level bridging the gap between vice principals and teachers.
These strategies include concept mapping (graphically displaying the relationships between the elements of a system)(West, Farmer, & Wolf, 1991), advance organizers (introductory material that bridges the gap between what the learner already knows and is about to learn)(Driscoll, 2005), metaphor and analogy comparing new information to information already learned, chunking, rehearsal, imagery (providing opportunities to mentally visualize material or concepts), and mnemonic devices.
Agile tools such as personas and story mapping can be used to bridge the upfront analysis gap and to give the contextual analysis needed for any learning design.
In this webinar, instructional leaders and district administrators will learn how to bridge the gap between wide - ranging research and classroom applications.
Virtual classrooms bridge the gap between isolated digital learning and face - to - face training, allowing for collaboration to take place at a low cost.
As a result of this realization, with the support of the Grable Foundation, the Remake Learning Network and the Agency by Design research team helped us pilot a learning community to bridge this gap of communLearning Network and the Agency by Design research team helped us pilot a learning community to bridge this gap of communlearning community to bridge this gap of communication.
Learn innovative district practices that can help bridge the achievement / equity gap.
I find it's the ideal game to bridge the gap between «hands - on» activities and abstract learning.
eLearning professionals must evaluate how much an online learner knows and what they still need to learn, and then figure out how to bridge that gap.
Local councils no longer have to make sure children have access to these qualifications, which were designed to bridge the gap between academic and work - related learning.
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