Sentences with phrase «brief bout»

The phrase "brief bout" means a short period of time in which someone does something, usually referring to a short fight or competition. Full definition
The monitored birds even experienced brief bouts of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, although they lasted only a few seconds.
As is the case with diarrhea, you don't need to worry if your cat has an occasional, brief bout of constipation.
It's more about brief bouts with tension.
When Siegel and his team analyzed the data, the researchers found that the sleep period (total time in bed including brief bouts of waking) in all three groups was similar — between 6.9 to 8.5 hours a night, with actual sleep durations of 5.7 to 7.2 hours a night.
Although the art style is stunning, Puddle also experiences brief bouts of slowdown, though thankfully these are fairly isolated in their appearance.
At worst, subjects have reported brief bouts of tiredness or flulike symptoms, he said.
To find out, they designed an experiment using behavioral measures and neuroimaging techniques to explore the ways in which brief bouts of physical exercise impact human performance and underlying neural activity.
Between some of the levels, Stitch will pilot a spaceship for brief bouts of shooter action.
Everyone occasionally doubts, worries, or flirts with giving up, especially when objective evidence sparks brief bouts of despair.
Most cats prefer brief bouts of touching on areas of their body where scent glands are located — the cheeks, the top of the head, and the chin.
«In fact, the benefits of brief bouts of exercise might provide a better and more tractable way to influence information processing — versus, say, brain training games or meditation — and in a way that's not tied to a particular task,» Giesbrecht concluded.
Financial markets largely shrugged off brief bouts of volatility following the statement's release, and interest rates market proceeded to rally thanks to the month - end flows.
A permanently injured player that can not even get into the Man United or England team even in his brief bouts of being fit, no thanks.
She won a spot on the Lamar women's golf team as a freshman walk - on and, after a brief bout of homesickness, learned to thrive in the land of chicken - fried steak and country music.
It won't be enough to enjoy a brief bout of success and then run out of steam.
I have to count myself in the extremely fortunate camp when it comes to sleeping, but we did have a brief bout of early waking a couple of months ago, shortly after Squidlet turned two and we converted the crib to a toddler bed.Normally he wakes up between 7:15 and 8.
In the same vein, if you can work it into your schedule, frequent, brief bouts of pumping help build milk supply better than sitting there, rather helplessly, and pumping for one long stretch.
She states that due to the roller coaster ride of hormonal changes and dealing with a new baby, 70 - 80 % of women will experience a brief bout of the blues like she did after her son was born in 2012.
After many tearful days and nights, and a brief bout of postpartum depression, I found peace, vowing to educate myself and promising myself that my future children would be breastfed.
According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, 10 to 20 percent of new moms will experience PPD, as opposed to the 50 percent of women who will get the baby blues, which is a mild, brief bout of depression.
It took several months for fears about the instability of coalitions, stoked by the Tories during the 2010 campaign to counter Britain's brief bout of Cleggmania, to be put to bed.
For the study, «avoidant» mice were exposed to brief bouts of aggression from trained «bully» mice.
After a brief bout of carb withdrawal, I noticed my energy was improving.
Some of us might experience just a brief bout, whilst for others it will be chronic.
Goodwin, a speechwriter for Presidents Kennedy and Johnson and husband of Doris Kearns Goodwin, died Sunday after a brief bout with cancer.
But after a brief bout of despair, Hawking becomes determined not to let the disease stop him living his life to the full.
According to his wife, he died after a brief bout with cancer.
Aside from a brief bout with melanoma on his ear, Stanley has had a pretty uneventful life.
Thankfully, the driving portions of the game are limited to brief bouts in the single - player mode.
Between the brief bouts of fighting, you'll spend a lot of time traveling from one place to the next, searching for someone to fight or just running straight toward the final objective.
A pop - up would tell me how I did and how many points I had earned, and then the next fight would start after a brief bout of walking.
While occasional fights interrupt the expositional element, the difficult is set low enough that those who prefer their Persona turn - based should still be able to pass the brief bouts.
Every time one of these studies is published, there is a brief bout of Internet tsk - tsking before it all dies down and everyone goes back to business as usual.
After ingesting an infectious dose of Cryptosporidium oocysts, symptoms could appear within three weeks and can include a brief bout with diarrhea.
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