Sentences with phrase «brief debate»

While learning his new field of church history, Rauschenbusch spoke at civic groups and churches about the social gospel, helped to organize the Federal Council of Churches and wrote pamphlets for an outfit called the Brotherhood of the Kingdom (which, after a brief debate, admitted sister members).
It was beaten back only a couple of years ago, but the infamous snoopers charter is being sneaked in to the counter-terrorism and security bill, with a brief debate in the House of Lords later today.
Debate on Kurdish rights once more took place in the Commons this week with a brief debate at short notice on the recent Foreign Affairs Committee (FAC) report on «an...
Yesterday the Lords backed down, leaving it up to the Commons to rubber - stamp the changes in their brief debate today.
During the brief debate that followed a number of peers voiced agreement with the conclusion of Ofsted's report that more needs to be done to improve PSHE, with Baroness Massey also calling for its addition to the national curriculum.
The reshuffling of funds will «encourage the NSF to apply higher standards when awarding its grants,» Smith argued during a brief debate on 29 May on his amendment.
Last week, after my observation that Waterstones is not in a better position to offer bundling now than it was last year, I had a brief debate on Twitter about pros and cons of bundling print and digital during which someone (oh so rightly) asked the question: «do customers even want an eBook version of the printed novel they just bought?»
The builder of this house, Chad Ludeman of Postgreen, had a brief debate about the merits of prefab after his article in Jetson Green, with my response here in TreeHugger, and a response from Chad in the comments on the TreeHugger post.
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