Sentences with phrase «brief flash»

The phrase "brief flash" means a sudden, quick burst of light or an event that happens very quickly. Full definition
While showing a series of emotionally neutral images in quick succession, the researchers included brief flashes of faces, pictures or words that were either positive or negative.
When she touches it, she's physically transported to this strange place, in brief flashes that only she can experience.
He just scored 17 points to lead his West team to victory in a performance that included brief flashes of his all - world talent.
At the last press day of IFA 2015, Samsung Germany spoke about some new products, and in between all of that talk they also showed a projected video with brief flashes of what appears to be the new 18.4 - inch Samsung tablet that Tabletmonkeys first discovered a month ago.
Torres and Eto'o have shown brief flashes of what they are capable of this season, but without guaranteed playing time, it is unlikely that either of them will find their stride.
These elements add up to a taut, nailbiting thriller punctuated by brief flashes of violence which allows audiences to collectively exhale the brreaths they've been holding for long stretches at a time.
Because of their unusual six - sided shape, these satellites create brief flashes of reflected sunlight, called Iridium flares, that can reach a brightness of magnitude -8, about 30 times brighter than Venus at its peak.
DAMA works by recording brief flashes of light that occur inside crystals of sodium iodide when subatomic particles hit the nucleus of a sodium or iodine atom.
With only brief flashes of the last few years of her life, her world has narrowed to a few close friendships on the island where she lives with her devoted husband, Jacob.
Punchy, self - righteous and roughly the same shade of teak as an Ikea sideboard, his performance as a veteran American football coach actually adds brief flashes of interest to Oliver Stone's tediously macho sports melodrama.
Ted 2 isn't wholly devoid of laughs, or even brief flashes of brilliance.
Everyone is constantly in their car, and when you're in your car, you miss a tremendous amount... People are completely unaware of the person next door, of the person on the corner, of the neighborhood that they're driving through only in a few brief flashes at 40 miles per hour.
Still, even if those 8 minutes add some things that don't fly in PG - 13land (like brief flashes of nudity and extensive uses of Samuel L. Jackson's blogger - inspired «SOAP» exclamation), more offensive elements probably existed in the theatrical cut, which presumably still comprises 91 % of the extended cut.
We get brief flashes, along with some voice over quotes from a father figure, but what Murphy did to land himself in jail remains a mystery for you to find out.
Joanna has, apparently, turned over a new leaf and is now the soul of human kindness and generosity — but looks she shoots Marni's way in brief flashes would suggest otherwise.
The exhaust snaps and snarls, lighting the asphalt with brief flashes of off - throttle fire, the sound of so much air getting sucked through those exotic lungs echoing off the buildings behind us.
It has had implications for the origins of the universe's heaviest elements, the mysterious dark energy that makes up about 70 percent of the cosmos and the source of brilliant - but - brief flashes of high - energy light known as short gamma - ray bursts.
Shannon experienced a brief flash of fame after the publication of his seminal work on information theory in 1948.
By the liberation of atomic energy on a massive scale, and for the first time, man has not only changed the face of the earth; he has by the very act set in motion at the heart of his being a long chain of reactions which, in the brief flash of an explosion of matter, has made of him, virtually at least, a new being hitherto unknown to himself.
It's a show that deals with mass murder, rape (warning, there are brief flashes of nudity and disturbing scenes) and epidemic disease without spiraling into hopelessness.
Instinctively, I felt a shiver go through my body, then a brief flash of euphoria, then sadness and then, ultimately, relief.
Here, in the Cirque du Senate, there is trash - talking, whining and finger - pointing, bickering and, occasionally, brief flashes of serious disagreement on policy.
Electrons thus accelerated could be wiggled by magnets to create a so - called free - electron laser (FEL), which generates exceptionally bright and brief flashes of x-rays that can illuminate short - lived chemical and biological phenomena.
But illumination of the network with a brief flash (10 milliseconds) of blue light causes each of these bacterial photoreceptors to jolt their host cell a bit.
It wasn't for lack of interest: since their discovery in the late 1960s, these brief flashes of high - energy electromagnetic radiation have been one of the enduring mysteries of astrophysics.
The researchers fixed a three centimetre long diamond strip, just 0.3 millimetre thick, in a specimen holder and triggered a shock wave with a brief flash from a powerful infrared laser that hit the narrow edge of the diamond; this pulse lasted 0.15 billionths of a second (150 picoseconds) and reached a power level of up to 12 trillion watts (12 terawatts) per square centimetre.
Observers on Earth would see a brief flash because the sail and its host planet, star and galaxy are all moving relative to us.
Then the scientists affixed a small device to the volunteers» arms that delivered a brief flash of heat up to about 45 °C (or 113 °F).
An actor was trained to pull one of two chains to receive its food in response to a brief flash of blue or red light.
They claim their newly patented device can render an assailant helpless with a brief flash of high - intensity light.
The animals were trained to focus their visual attention on a wall in the testing chamber with five ports and to respond to a brief flash of light within one port by poking their nose into that port.
Observers on Earth would see a brief flash because the sail and its host planet, star and galaxy are all moving relative to us,» CfA said in a statement released Thursday.
These brief flashes of delight, are just that: brief... at least for the most part.
Funny videos, fail videos, funny pictures, funny galleries, funny links, flash games, jokes, caption contests, photoshop contests In Part One, I selected the funniest Jewish jokes I've heard, written, collected, and used in over 20 years of writing Jewish humor, along with a brief
Brief flashes of insecurity would add a lot to the character of Morgan, but only when added at just the right time; as is, there are moments when the façade seems to falter with the entire crew present and you have to wonder how some more ambitious pirate didn't dethrone her long before the film had ended.
There are a handful of tense scenes in Eddie Coyle too, such as the cold and calculated bank heists and a stake out at a train station which ends in a brief flash of Yates» car chase handling skills, but these aren't what really make the film shine.
Hidden in the featurette are some little snippets of deleted scenes that aren't highlighted in the deleted scenes section such as a brief flash of Bean presenting the deadline to Ender and Bean in tears at the end saying, «He lied!»
Most enemies will give off a brief flash before they attack, and if timed correctly, Samus can perform an upward strike with her arm to stun enemies.
The trailer shows us brief flashes of Blanchett as a homeless man, a news anchor, a teacher, a construction worker, a scientist and a seedy drunkard to name just some of her characters.
The brief flash - forwards to Ayoub boarding the train in Brussels and initiating his attack merely goose the action rather than illuminate his motives or mindset.
A brief flash of Community «s Gillian Jacobs as his bride - to - be only compounds that problem.
This lighthearted lark of a crime spree remains in PG zone, despite a brief flash of nudity and a budding ménage a trois between Purl and her two beaus, the devoted, lovesick tagalong (and father of her unborn child) played by Most and the ready - for - anything Snake, who gamely jumps into every heist with all cylinders firing and is just as cool about turning bedtime into a (fairly chaste) threesome.
We are given a brief flash that suggests Florence was molested as a child (which aims to explain her attitude toward sex as an adult), but the unsettling implications of that worldview are never fully explored or even mentioned again.
All the rest of Thor's 113 minutes felt so synthetic and overfamiliar that those brief flashes of spontaneity stood out like Morse code messages from another, better movie.
There was a brief flash of a humanoid ghost / silhouette in the E3 Nursery walk - through and psychological horror could help flesh out gameplay / survival horror experience.
It wouldn't pass muster in the company of John Huston, Jacques Tourneur, or Jules Dassin; this is less Out of the Past than it is mired in the meta, its only import located in the furious exculpatory labours of critical admirers and, ironically, the one or two viewers still titillated by ugly words and brief flashes of sex, doggy - style.
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