Sentences with phrase «brief interview»

A "brief interview" refers to a short conversation or discussion where questions are asked and answered. It does not last for a long time and is meant to gather specific information without taking up too much time. Full definition
Each issue will include a note from the editor introducing the writer and poet, as well as occasional bonus content such as playlists, illustrations or brief interviews with the authors.
Often, the candidate moves from table to table or room to room where different people conduct brief interviews.
Also, some doctors won't charge you for a very brief interview.
We conducted brief interviews to help share their experiences.
Also, some doctors won't charge you for a very brief interview.
READ MORE about Elvira Dyangani Ose joining Creative Time in brief interview with The Art Newspaper
Conducted group «information sessions» as a method for recruiting Admissions Associates by reviewing the role and the responsibilities of the position offering brief interviews on the spot for those interested which increased efficiency for all involved in the hiring process.
Check out some highlights from Expo East 2017 including brief interviews with industry influencers on what they were looking for this year and why they consider this annual east coast event a «can't miss».
A Quiet Place will be the third movie Krasinski has directed - he previously took charge of Brief Interviews with Hideous Men and The Hollars.
The trailer features brief interviews with artists Judith Godwin, Mary Abbott, and Sonia Gechtoff, as well as two of artist Ethel Schwabacher's children.
If there's been a better brief interview with Tarantino this season, I haven't seen it yet.
A Quiet Place is a change of pace for Krasinski the director, whose previous films — the David Foster Wallace adaptation Brief Interviews With Hideous Men, the indie dramedy The Hollars — were decidedly lacking in sightless CGI monsters.
But by all means (as Froog suggested) do stop over at the Lateral Action site for a terrific brief interview with MacLeod, in part on the topic of getting your art — dare I say writing?
Recent projects include Prosu (u) mer at EKKM, Tallinn, London, A Shared Space of Difference, Camden Arts Centre, London, PPE, or It is Spring and I am Blind, Modern Art Oxford and staging Brief Interviews with Hideous Men with Andy Holden, ICA, London and Arnolfini, Bristol.
We Can picture members of younger Christian generations thus responding to the too brief interview which follows.
Each spoke just ahead of today's Dominican Day Parade in Manhattan; de Blasio in a statement to an assembled press pack (without taking any questions) and Malliotakis and Dietl in separate brief interviews with me.
A Quiet Place is directed by American actor - turned - filmmaker John Krasinski, director of the films Brief Interviews with Hideous Men and The Hollars previously.
A Quiet Place is the latest film directed by, and starring, John Krasinski (he also directed Brief Interviews with Hideous Men and The Hollars previously) and it's easily his best film yet.
Its chief supplemental features consist of a feature - length audio commentary track with director Gauger and a seven - minute behind - the - scenes featurette which includes brief interview snippets with cast and crew, as well as some audition tape footage.
For most of its running time, John Krasinski's adaptation of David Foster Wallace's short - story collection Brief Interviews With Hideous Men consists of little more than a series of monologues, and plays like some abstract theater exercise, hosted by a college coffeehouse.
Krasinski literalizes Wallace's stylistic love of asides too much, but it helps that he's aware enough of his movie's limitations to keep Brief Interviews blessedly short.
There was little in his previous two directorial efforts, the indies Brief Interviews With Hideous Men or The Hollars, that suggested Jim from The Office was a budding genre filmmaker.
The supplements are far less lavish that the previous Columbia noir collection, limited to brief interview featurettes with Martin Scorsese (on The Brothers Rico), director Christopher Nolan and actress Emily Mortimer, but the star attractions are the five films making their DVD debuts in superb transfers, all of them in their correct aspect ratio for the first time on home video.
The Japanese YouTube channel for the Yakuza series uploaded a new brief interview with Shinichi Shinohara, the judo talent who is set to make a guest appearance as a character inspired by himself in Yakuza Kiwami.
While Etchell's video plays on a constant loop, 6 - minute audio from British artists Andy Holden & David Raymond Conroy's piece Leaving the Relationship (2013), a series of dramatic readings from David Foster Wallace's book Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, intermittently demands attention and punctuates the space.
Let's start with this great brief interview with Sierra Club Mississippi volunteer Barbara Correro talking about the Kemper coal plant and its strip mine being built right next to her home.
Draper gives us at least three reasons in his very brief interview why he believes that Bitcoin is the future of currency.
Brief interview definition: Informational interview is not a job interview.
Nominees must be available by phone for a possible brief interview by the FLC Oversight Committee as necessary between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm EDT on Wednesday, June 14, 2018.
In brief interviews, Steve Austin (1:47) and Bren Foster (1:21) open up on their acting approach and martial arts experiences, respectively.
Please join the Museum for a special screening of series of brief interviews with prominent contemporary artists in Ghana.
Following the meeting, WRFA conducted brief interviews with Edward Farbenblum, County Executive Greg Edwards, and Bonnie Peters, CSEA Unit 6300.
«Entertainment Tonight» has a behind - the - scenes look at the movie, including brief interviews with Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly and Michael Douglas.
Of primary importance is «On Location: Where Eagles Dare» (12:37, SD), a vintage featurette with behind - the - scenes footage as well as brief interview clips of Clint Eastwood, Richard Burton, Ingrid Pitt, and Mary Ure.
Best known for his comic affability as an actor on The Office, he revealed surprising directing chops with his David Foster Wallace adaptation Brief Interviews With Hideous Men (2009) and the well - honed family dramedy The Hollars (2016).
-LSB-...] But by all means (as Froog suggested) do stop over at the Lateral Action site for a terrific brief interview with MacLeod, in part on the topic of getting your art — dare I say writing?
Recent projects include Prosu (u) mer at EKKM, Tallinn, London, A Shared Space of Difference, Camden Arts Centre, London, PPE, or It is Spring and I am Blind, Modern Art Oxford and Staging Brief Interviews with Hideous Men with Andy Holden, ICA, London and Arnolfini, Bristol.
The home birth segment had very brief interviews with Ricki Lake and Abbie Epstein (producers of Business of Being Born) and Laura Shanley (author of Unassisted Childbirth).
Providing a peek at the private libraries of David Sedaris, Junot Dí az, Rosanne Cash and other notables, the volume includes brief interviews with the participants, who discuss the significance of their picks.
But during a brief interview with the school that would determine his acceptance, the staff said to Buffett: «Forget it.
In a brief interview last year, Flynn said his ad service could target people beyond Planned Parenthood clinics to also include those inside other abortion facilities and methadone clinics.
In a brief interview, Ben - Ishay told Entrepreneur what inspired the expansion into morning morsels and shared what she's learned so far about moving into a new market.
In a brief interview, business magnate Richard Branson suggested, «[exercise] keeps the brain functioning well and I definitely can achieve twice as much in a day by keeping fit.»
Even though he's known as the guy who plays amazing pranks on Dwight from «The Office», Krasinski still remembers his play - writing roots: he wrote and directed a film called «Brief Interviews with Hideous Men» which was nominated for the Sundance Festival's Grand Jury Prize.
«Nobody wants to be seen with me right now,» the performer, known as Stormy Daniels, said in a brief interview, laughing softly behind an assemblage of nude pictures of herself.

Phrases with «brief interview»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z