Sentences with phrase «brief lesson»

But, even then, the good trainers, and the collar manufacturer, recommend brief lessons followed by fun and success.
Within Kabah, the small Casa Maya Museum displays photographs from Cancún's past and the Campamento Chiclero (Bubblegum Park) offers brief lessons on how the Maya produced chewing gum from tree resin.
This pack includes Multiple lesson ideas with linked resources and brief lesson plans for week of lessons Learning objectives Must, Should, Could s...
The whirlwind trip includes many brief lessons on big ideas.
When done properly, this is far more than slogans or posters on walls, or brief lessons covering core values.
Jim Yong Kim, president of the World Bank, offered a brief lesson in nailing a job interview earlier this week.
The brief lesson here is that emerging countries should be very ready to put on tough prudential controls, and should ignore those who claim (as happened in Australia during the 1980s) that such prudential controls are «re-regulation by the back door».
@tiredofreligion, maybe you need a brief lesson in how Christians have actually influenced science.
Most importantly, she makes each short tale feel more like a brief lesson in life.
It's time for a brief lesson on the Bard of Avon — William Shakespeare.
When they arrived, the wait staff seated each child, and Anolick gave a brief lesson on manners.
Carla Tantillo Philibert's Everyday SEL in Middle School gives SEL implementation guidelines and brief lessons to help educators in classrooms and schoolwide meet their students» social and emotional needs, says former teacher / now principal Tonya Curt - Hoard.
For a non-French person like, I learned some brief lessons on the French language, history and geography.
I hope you've enjoyed this brief lesson on key levels and event areas.
We'll give you a brief lesson on how to evaluate these images.
Solarone, I wrote a brief lesson on supply and demand, but I can certainly elaborate on the topic in a future Q&A post.
Envelope Budgeting System Know How It Works Envelope System Definition Let's begin the brief lesson by defining... Continue Reading
Let's begin the brief lesson by defining the envelope budgeting system.
The point of today's brief lesson is this: Money management discipline can be hard to maintain when trading the market because everything is done on the computer and there is no real physical sense of making or losing money.
To understand what can cause turbulent flow we need a brief lesson in heart anatomy and function:
Each rider receives personal attention in horse selection (according to experience), as well as a brief lesson before leaving.
Participants were treated to a brief lesson on the history of outrigger canoeing in California and a hands - on lesson in paddling.
Artist Erin Oliver will present a brief lesson and demonstration of ways to respond to art by sketching.
By the time you finish reading this brief lesson, you'll never be at a loss for Twitter ideas again.
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