Sentences with phrase «brief members»

In February 2002, members of the project, investigators and community participants briefed members of Congress and their staff, and members of the policy staff at the White House about the concerns and recommendations of the communities related to genetics policies.
Veronica Garcia, TCSA's Vice President of Government and Public Affairs, then briefed the members on advocacy and the results from the legislative survey which identified the member's priorities and determines the agenda for the next legislative session in 2017.
CLICK HERE for DHA briefing Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) voted today in favour of a Resolution to...
Madam Hannah Tetteh is therefore expected to brief Members about what actually went into the discussions with the US Government before accepting the Gitmo detainees.
On the Thursday morning after the attack, the FBI briefed members of the Obama Administration and Congress on the progress of the investigation.
But the Prime Minister's Office bore the brunt of State Comptroller Yosef Shapira's criticism, for its failure to sufficiently brief members of the security cabinet about the subterranean threat.
The government followed up by briefing the members of parliament on its reasons for implementing this new requirement:
Masterpole briefed members of the Common Council on his audit Monday afternoon.
Flanagan is set to brief his members at noon on Monday.
Igbafen said, «We are fully part of the strike but we are meeting at our congress on Wednesday to finally brief our members of all the details about the strike and from there, we will leave for our various homes.
As Cuomo was announcing the budget deal Thursday evening, legislative leaders were still briefing their members on some of the remaining details.
The governor's speech capped a day in which he privately briefed members of the state Senate, eschewing a traditional public presentation of the 10 budget bills that were posted online shortly before 9 p.m.
Presenting the business statement for the week, the majority leader said the commission of inquiry on the creation of new regions would brief members from the Brong Ahafo, Northern, Volta and Western regions on May 18, regarding their activities which had been brought to an end.
Mr Samson Ugwoke, JAC Chairman, said they would summon a meeting tomorrow to brief its members with a view to calling off their strike.
Representatives Nita Lowey and Sean Patrick Maloney included a provision within the recent budget to ensure that the USCG brief members of Congress on findings from the PAWSA report prior to issuing any new proposals to establish additional anchorage grounds on the Hudson River.
Frank Seddio, the chair of the Brooklyn Democratic Party, led the meeting, which was called to brief members on why he and Mayor - elect Bill de Blasio had cut a deal with the left - leaning Progressive bloc to try to crown Ms. Mark - Viverito speaker.
In a related development, Speaker of Parliament, Professor Aaron Mike Oquaye, has summoned the Defence and Interior ministers to appear before the House on Tuesday, 22 May 2018, to brief members about Wednesday's clash.
The Facebook officials currently set to brief members of Congress include the company's deputy general counsel and deputy chief privacy officer, said a congressional official.
He is also expected to brief Members on some progress made between the two countries on Cooperation in the areas of Military, Health and Medical Services, Air Services and Parliamentary relations among others.
The Finance Minister, Seth Terkper, has been summoned by the Parliament of Ghana to brief Members on the circumstances that led to the collapse of some micro-finance institutions in the Brong - Ahafo and the three northern regions that have brought chaos among the people.
He is further expected to brief Members on the measures the Bank of Ghana (BoG) has put in place to ensure that those who invested in those firms get their money back.
State Budget Director Robert Megna is briefing members of the LCA this afternoon about Paterson's latest between a rock - and - a-hard-place gambit.
The House is expected to be constituted into a Committee on the Whole where Madam Tetteh would brief Members on the factors that influenced the country to admit the Gitmo detainees into the Ghanaian society.
And it will be holding post-speech panel discussions tomorrow night in Kingston and Rochester to brief members on the «progressive» reaction to the governor's address.
Briefing Members of Parliament (MPs) on steps being taken to...
In February 2010, we supported calls for an independent inquiry into the law on assisted dying for terminally ill adults, and briefed members of the House of Lords for a debate on the issue, and in March we urged MPs to call for legalisation of assisted dying in the UK.
In a significant departure from tradition, Cuomo not only did not deliver a public budget address, but — after much back - amd - forth — briefed members of the media at almost 8 p.m. at the executive mansion.
He'll be briefing members of the Senate and Assembly (at separate events) at the executive mansion on his proposed 2017 - 18 budget, which is due out tomorrow.
And after I brief the members, I'll usually come out and brief the press.
Immerse yourself in legislative activity, brief members of Congress, plan and take part in committee hearings and more.
Those interests are reflected in her experience in Washington, D.C., where she worked as a U.S. congressman's legislative assistant and also researched legislation to brief members of the House National Parks and Public Lands Subcommittee.
The so - called «Science Integrity Team» briefed members of Congress, news media and other organizations on Capitol Hill about how, generally, climate change was a non-issue.
It depends on the type and complexity of issues being investigated, the level of detail needed to brief members of the board of directors or management about the scope of investigation, and the preferences of the companies and the professionals running the investigation.
The Facebook officials currently set to brief members of Congress include the company's deputy general counsel and deputy chief privacy officer, said a congressional official.
Crowell has briefed members of the House and Senate on matters regarding Twitter's participation in the investigation.
«I plan to revise the rule, if necessary, and to re-propose the rule, requesting additional comments, after I have had an opportunity to brief members of Congress and to meet with affected consumer and industry groups,» he said in a March 22 letter to the Office of Management and Budget, which had been reviewing the rule.
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