Sentences with phrase «brief reflection»

Your cover letter is brief reflection of your own.
After necessarily brief reflection, Lee hit upon the following insight: the ship had several decks, so why not treat it like a big building with many floors?
Varying widely in form from brief reflections of compressed eloquence to essay - long meditations on artists such as Vincent Van Gogh, Giorgio Morandi and Mark Rothko — Scully's writings are distinguished by a brutal lyricism and the effortlessness of their aphoristic turn of phrase.
Peter Rollins, in his influential new book, How (Not) To Speak of God, writes: Even a brief reflection upon the darkness in our own lives bears testimony to the fact that we need to...
In this brief reflection on his visits to the UK, we highlight five ways we will remember him.
In conclusion, I would offer some brief reflections upon the relation of this discussion to the preaching of Christianity in our own time.
In December Peter Berger wrote a brief reflection on Archbishop Justin Welby's inviting four members of the Catholic Charismatic community Chemin Neuf to live and pray at Lambeth Palace.
Permit me to offer a brief reflection on behalf of the younger side (those under thirty) of that movement.
Even a brief reflection upon the darkness in our own lives bears testimony to the fact that we need to be evangelized as much, if not more, than those around us.
So too were the half - hour of meditation and the time of silence which he made the discipline of the entire seminary community: «A unifying arch swung from music and play to quietude and prayer...» Schönherr concludes his brief reflection by admitting to being «under the spell of that man who gave himself so entirely, heart and soul, whether in play or in theological discussion.
A copy and video of all presentations from the conference, including my overview of the management of environmental water, the environmental targets all water managers are working towards with a brief reflection on achievements to date, is available on the ABARES website.
A brief reflection... October Sometimes wet, always beautiful.
Even the briefest reflection reveals this proposal doesn't seriously address those questions.
«Activity Plus» structure is made up of a brief greeting, an extended activity that is sometimes in the gym, and a brief reflection at the end.
Each day, students write on an index card a brief reflection about their learning, either in response to a specific prompt from me or on their own.
While you might end the lesson with the class discussion, if you would like to capture each student's voice in a brief reflection, consider having them write a phrase or sentence that responds to the following question:
«Further, as is obvious upon even the briefest reflection, none of the issues raised by the trial court is an issue of constitutional law; rather, each one is a critical issue of policy upon which reasonable minds can and do differ.»
But before I ramble on any further, it's time for some brief reflection around the heritage of the series.
My brief reflection on my time in Stardew might help, or it might not.
The title of this brief reflection is cobbled together from Philip Guston's 1978 letter to Ross Feld, a younger poet and critic who had written appreciatively of Guston's signal 1970 show, which marked his leap (or return) to figuration after years building a solid legacy of moodily lyrical abstractions.
Project participants wrote a brief reflection on the piece they chose, expressing why they were drawn to the work and, in the case of some professors, how the work is used in their teaching practices.
A brief reflection and a couple of calls to our Slaw colleague Eric Gertner (l) and John Swan (r), which led me to statements in Cronk v. Canadian General Insurance Co. (1995), 23 B.L.R. (2d) 70, 14 C.C.E.L. (2d) 1, 95 C.L.L.C. 210 - 038, 128 D.L.R. (4th) 147, 85 O.A.C. 54, 25 O.R. (3d) 505, 128 D.L.R. (4th) 147 that
In the following post, I briefly develop both aspects of this equation — pragmatism with regard to the scope of the CFSP versus principle with regard to the reach of EU constitutional principles into the CFSP — and I conclude with a brief reflection on the normative issue of whether the Court stays within its role as a judicial body, where I suggest the CJEU's approach fits squarely within its duty to say what the law is.
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