Sentences with phrase «brief reply»

Many conversations ended with a long lag before one correspondent sent a final brief reply.
Nonetheless, for the record we provide below brief replies to some of the substantive scientific issues that are listed in the NIPCC - II SPM, to all of which Karlsson has taken exception.
A Brief Reply to Simoni - Wastila on the Problem of Radical Parti»
Brief replies are less favourable than lengthy and engaging messages.
He sent a brief reply: «Thank you for your open letter dated 6 March.
«Welcome geeks and hackers» bitcoin donations to the One Foundation,» a representative wrote in a brief reply written in Chinese when asked about the donation address by Bitcoin Magazine.
@Will Ksander as just a brief reply it has to do with housing prices versus rent prices.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z