Sentences with phrase «brief stay»

We had a very brief stay at this historic but updated hotel.
These are ideal accommodation options for brief stay and also very cheap.
Ask for a couple of brief stays (no longer than 2 seconds) and then start adding duration as you progress.
Indeed, I would find repeatedly during my all too brief stay the small but important touches that showed someone gave a lot of thought to a guest's comfort.
One exciting opportunity I was, sadly, unable to indulge during my, all too brief stay, was the wedding service offered by Sandals.
After brief stays in Copenhagen and Trondheim, Norway, he and his wife, Antonie Landau, made their way to the United States (October 1940).
Twin babies Iga and Ignacy were born at 32 weeks and required brief stays in the NICU before they were able to go home.
Due to the Whale Sharks relatively brief stay and local protection / conservation efforts, Whale Shark diving is extremely limited, but this package offers a rare opportunity to swim with these amazing aquatic creatures.
Tamer already had a Social Security card, obtained legally after convincing officials he needed one to obtain a driver's license and open a bank account during his supposed brief stay in the United States.
It was a very brief stay arriving late and leaving early in the morning so really was just a bed for the night
The Belgium international rose to prominence during David Moyes's brief stay in the Old Trafford hotseat, where he was a rare ray of light during a tricky campaign.
If your puppy breaks the stay, it may be too difficult for him and you may have to ask for briefer stays and work from there.
«Due to the Whale Sharks relatively brief stay and local protection and conservation efforts, Whale Shark diving is extremely limited in Belize, thus we offer a package that offers a rare opportunity to swim with these amazing aquatic creatures,» says Larry France, Marketing Manager of Chabil Mar, a guest exclusive resort in the charming village of Placencia.
In February, a mainland Chinese man who flew into Hong Kong was diagnosed as having the Zika virus, according to local broadcaster RTHK, citing officials as saying there was little chance he could have caused an outbreak during his brief stay.
The company is confident it will ultimately prevail in the Hogan lawsuit, but was not able today to obtain from the trial court even a brief stay without onerous conditions to seek relief from the appeals court.
This marks Property Management's first appearance in our top seven since a brief stay during the spring.
but since we are here anyway let's just be nice to each other and make the brief stays we have on this rock as peaceful as possible.
Farel recognized Calvin during his brief stay in Geneva, and invited him to remain in Geneva and help consolidate the Reformation in that city.
I even know a story of a fairly stalwart partisan on one side of the great debates going on in linguistics in the late 60s and early 70s who became a zealous, even crazed partisan for the other side after a brief stay at MIT.
questions he took during his brief stay at the 2007 U.S. Open, the dismissive tone that even he uses when describing his career.
After a couple of years building what he had inherited from Rip Scherer at UM, he set out on what was an unprecedented run of success: five bowls in six years, two seasons with eight - plus wins, and in 2004, a brief stay in the AP top 25, Memphis» first.
But, given Altman's brief stay, Trainor says, that phone was never taken out of the box.
A revelation since moving back to London after his brief stay at Barcelona bringing a slice of the Catalan style of play to the Premier League.
He was inducted back in 2005 after a career with the Phils — it was a brief stay then, too — and more famously, the Cubs.
The only question is whether his hitting will be hampered by the jarring effects of his brief stay with the Giants last year, when he suffered a broken shoulder blade and later a concussion from being hit by pitched balls.
Derby winning goals tend to buy a lot of leeway with the fans, so something tells me Mbiwa's brief stay in the Capital will be remembered fondly.
It's been nine months since I had my second son that was given his first bottle during a brief stay in the NICU.
She blogged about her brief stay in a mental hospital for postpartum depression, appealing to readers who helped her get through the difficult and painful experience.
Some hospitals offer parents of preemies a rooming - in period that allows them a brief stay in a hospital room with the baby to get some experience in taking care of the infant's needs.
Flights headed to New York were forced to turn back, and connecting flights that were only supposed to bring passengers to New York for a brief stay were grounded indefinitely.
William Hague, in his brief stay in the Foreign Office, had to deal with a major foreign policy crisis as Israel carried out military strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities.
President Donald Trump, back in Washington, D.C. after an eventful working vacation at his New Jersey golf course, (with a brief stay at Trump Tower in Manhattan), this evening will address the nation from Fort Meyer, Virginia, making his first prime time broadcast since he took office.
Buerkle's views also alienated some establishment Republicans in her brief stay in Congress.
Joseph J. Fauliso, the Senate leader who became lieutenant governor upon the death of his friend, Gov. Ella T. Grasso, on Dec. 31, 1980, and then held the job longer than anyone in more than a century, died Wednesday after a brief stay in hospice care.
Uwazuruike recalling how the jihadists had arrived Kwara State in 1811 and after some brief stay «killed the Yoruba leader in the state and took over the administration of the area till date», said it was an indication «that all these attacks by Boko Haram and herdsmen who kill, maim and sometimes colonise some communities in Benue, Taraba and Nasarawa states have the same Islamisation agenda».
In the course of his brief stay, the man initiated a SARS «super spreader» event that led to at least 16 more SARS cases among the hotel's guests and visitors and then to hundreds of other cases throughout Asia, Europe, and North America as those guests and visitors continued on their travels — just as my neighbor was now traveling to L.A..
They had incredibly high expectations for our visit, and our brief stay clearly disappointed and further upset them.
After a brief stay at the Karolinska Institute to acquaint himself with the rapid developments of the neural stem cell field, Benedikt returned to Munich and obtained a position as a lecturer and senior lecturer at the Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich.
Detailing their findings In the journal Antiquity, the researchers explained that the cave wasn't a permanent settlement, but it was used for brief stays.
During my brief stay, I trained with a boxing champion, meditated along white sandy beaches, and indulged in bespoke spa treatments.
She had a brief stay in London, England and, while there, she went to Liberty of London and bought me a beautiful silk scarf.
These pictures were taken during our brief stay in Napa last August which was a pretty awesome couple of days.
I never got around to writing a blog post about it, but here's my fashion diary for my brief stay there.
Fresh from a brief stay at a psychiatric hospital, Camille returns to her hometown to cover the murders of two preteen girls.
Best divorced women and single men did not want to constrain the activity in singles dating should be considered for a brief stay living name date.
During the course of his brief stay there, Bobby will be kicked in the ribs several dozen times, almost be bitten by a tarantula, shot at, and have his car all but destroyed — and that's all before the final scenes with the vultures circling overhead.

Phrases with «brief stay»

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