Sentences with phrase «briefly under running water»

Personally, I prefer to rinse them very briefly under running water as well (to remove any remaining stubborn little grains of soil!).
Brush off any peat moss with your fingers or a damp paper towel, or rinse the mushrooms briefly under running water and pat dry with a paper towel.
Before you remove the peas from the pod, rinse them briefly under running water.

Not exact matches

Tip — I always find that I have to run my molds under hot water briefly to get the popsicles out of the molds.
Briefly run the bottom of the mold under warm water to loosen the pops.
Working one at a time, hold slices of bread under running water very briefly to soften (be careful not to waterlog or make soggy).
To release ice pops from molds, run the bottom of the molds briefly under warm water.
Just prior to use, place cranberries in a strainer and briefly and gently rinse under cool running water.
When fork tender, run under cold tap water briefly, or plunge into ice water, and skins will slip right off.
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