Sentences with phrase «bright circles»

To move around the car lot, users must stare at bright circles on the ground for a few seconds so that they travel further down the aisle to the next circle.
10 Perhaps the earliest UFO sighting occurred in 1450 B.C., when Egyptians saw bright circles of light in the sky.
Mao observed that the iron melted into discrete spheres, visible here as bright circles in the darker silicate matrix.
The Bright and Bold Invitations feature bright circles and bold stripes in various colors.
This, I was told, was called Smoking Circle (after Baldessari), 2013, her double entendre duet with the California artist known for obliterating parts of his images with similar bright circles.
Larger dark circles show fewer people while brighter circles have a denser population.
Birthday Invitations feature bright circles and bold stripes in various colors.
For about him till the very end were still those he had studied, the fauna of the night, and shades that still waited to enter the bright circle of his recognition.
The Christian believes that when he prays the world around him does not only enter «the bright circle of his» own «recognition», but also and of more far reaching and mysterious consequence, the bright circle of God's recognition.
Widder soon realized that she could identify many animals by the type and duration of flash they made — jellyfish, for example, might appear as a bright circle in the darkness.
bright circles and bold stripes in various colors.
Her web of bright circles is a riff on the Olympic symbol of interlinked hoops.
«Love has no limits» was Helen's first painting, it's not quite her romantic style but these bright circles individually wrapped up in their own little world pop and make this piece very pleasing to the eye.
The bright circle near the bottom is the spine; the gray blob on the right is the heart.
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