Sentences with phrase «bright cluster»

Relax, explore, and spot native birds and nearby seals before nighttime gazing at bright clusters of strange constellations in the southern sky.
«The galaxies at the centers of clusters, called Brightest Cluster Galaxies, are the most massive galaxies in the Universe.
This exceptionally bright cluster lies about 16 000 light - years from Earth in the southern constellation of Ara (The Altar).
What is particularly interesting is that Brightest Cluster Galaxies closer to the Milky Way are thought to grow by so - called dry mergers, collisions between gas - poor galaxies that do not result in the formation of new stars.
Many of the bright cluster stars appear in this picture.
Such clusters have very dense cores, each containing a massive galaxy called the «brightest cluster galaxy» (BCG).
Previously astronomers observed steady movements among the «brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs),» which — as the name implies — are the «most luminous galaxies in the universe.»
The large amount of star formation and the «beads on a string» feature in the core of SpARCS1049 +56 are likely the result of the Brightest Cluster Galaxy in the process of gobbling up a gas - rich spiral galaxy.
The bright clusters are highlighted in red by their associated emission from glowing hydrogen gas.
But if there's a ray of sunshine in all this, in the brief period that Hitomi was around, scientists did manage to squeeze in a quick look at the Perseus cluster, the brightest cluster of galaxies in the x-ray view of the sky.
The brightest clusters are found along an arc near the galaxy's centre.
Common though they are, these bright clusters of orange sunshine are quite literally «mary's gold» but despite the biblical meaning Marigolds are valued for their heartiness, burst of colour and ability to repel garden pests.
I can see the bright cluster of lights marking downtown, that ebb as they approach the city limits and then fade away into sleepy pastoral hills.
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