Sentences with phrase «bright nucleus of galaxy»

The bright nucleus of galaxy NGC5750 reveals the presence of an active supermassive black hole.

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In addition to the bright and chaotic features, each merging galaxy of NGC 5256 contains an active galactic nucleus, where gas and other debris are fed into a hungry supermassive black hole.
Although both galaxy types host voracious supermassive black holes known as active galactic nuclei, which actively swallow matter and emit massive amounts of radiation, Type I galaxies appear brighter to astronomers» telescopes.
The GBT has joined Spektr - R in several observations of active galactic nuclei, the supermassive black holes lurking inside galaxies that are bright in radio waves.
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are a type of extremely bright galaxy core seemingly fueled by powerful black holes actively gobbling large amounts of material.
Indeed, GRBs appear to emit produce even more energy than supernovae or even quasars (which are energetically bright accretion disks and bi-polar jets around supermassive black holes that are most commonly found in the active nuclei of some distant galaxies and possibly even in the pre-galaxy period after the Big Bang).
A NASA Hubble Space Telescope (HST) view of a 4,000 light - year long jet of plasma emanating from the bright nucleus of the giant elliptical galaxy M87.
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