Sentences with phrase «brilliant innovation»

Like so many brilliant innovations, their big idea was born out of their need to find a better way to complete a task.
True innovation, Peter Diamandis says, means accepting risk — and failure Peter Diamandis sees a future filled with brilliant innovation — with cars that drive themselves, software that can diagnose illnesses and humans populating new planets like subdivisions — but not without a lot of failure before we get there.
In addition to identifying the most brilliant innovations in the technology and beauty industries, the survey also discovered the most brilliant actors, actresses and athletes today, finding:
While the online dating world as a whole is a generally brilliant innovation, it does come with its fair share of dirt and grime.
The Bay Area is also home to some of the world's finest wine country, including Napa Valley and Sonoma, plus waterfront towns, dramatic beaches, and the tech - savvy southern end of the bay known as the Silicon Valley, where lunchtime ideas at Google, Facebook, and Apple, turn into the next brilliant innovation.
They say, we develop the tech here, we've got the brilliant innovation here, we create the ideas, then we go straight to the United Stated and monetize it....
«The Genesis accounts are a brilliant innovation that ensure a steady supply of Darico for the next 18 years.
Lie flat position is a brilliant innovation, we use it as a portable moses basket... I can take it to the kitchen and watch over baby.
It has been a brilliant innovation, he says.
A lit case is a brilliant innovation because some ereaders like the Keyboard, Touch and the basic Amazon designs are not backlit, i.e. they doesn't work like a bright screen computer or mobile phone.
OLPC's XO was a brilliant innovation and the topsy turvy landscape of the Net has already given students and pupils a powerful set of tools that have changed the way they work and learn.
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