Sentences with phrase «brimstone preaching»

first, I don't see hell fire and brimstone preaching used as an evangelistic tool by churches.

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You believers are all full of fire and brimstone when you are preaching to the choir, but when a real non believer heretic is in your grill calling you out on your sky fairy myth, all I get is nothing but crickets.
It is not working to just vote in new politicians every couple years, and preach fire and brimstone on a particular group of «sinners» that have caught our attention this decade.
The hellfire - and - brimstone preachers wonder why so many fall away after evangelistic campaigns in which a God of hellfire and anger is preached.
I seriously doubt he would want anything to do with the hand full of crazy people in the world today who go around judging other people and preaching fire and brimstone.
«I've been asked many times, «You're not one of those awful street preachers standing on a street corner preaching hellfire and brimstone, are you?
Whereas previously I may have preached the stereotypical Southern Baptist fireand - brimstone message, I now seek to share my faith through my actions as well as my words.
Chad, There are churches in the deep South the preach fire and brimstone every week.
Why would Jonah not want to preach fire and brimstone to Nineveh, the very people he despised?
Why would Jonah go in the opposite direction if God had told him to go preach fire and brimstone against his hated enemy?
First, Jonah was told to preach fire and brimstone to Nineveh in chapter one.
If I hated Nineveh as much as Jonah did, and if God told me that it was an incredibly wicked city, and that God wanted me to go and preach fire and brimstone to them, I would have left in a heartbeat.
I saw a cultural Christianity that preached hellfire and brimstone about sexual immorality and cultural decadence.
Well, you've got preachers dispensing candy, and you've got preachers preaching fire and brimstone.
For now on all TV evangelists must be within striking distance of a cobra while preaching hail and brimstone.
There's plenty of it going on, but no one preaches that sort of fire and brimstone because it's not congregation friendly and will affect the coffers.
It's difficult to sympathize with the man who considers dancing as a gateway to sin and preaches fire and brimstone.
When Eli (Rysdahl) begins preaching at his father's old church, he is desperate to open the minds of the fire - and - brimstone congregation.
Preaching fire and brimstone, and finally demanding human sacrifice, it is as if Sissy Spacek's mother just walked in from Carrie into this movie.
Speaking of preaching, Settledscience would be right at home in a front of a tent revival meeting judging from the florid and vitriolic nature of his / her fire - and - brimstone tinged language.
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