Sentences with phrase «bring deep satisfaction»

While the paintings frustrate, complicate and undermine pictorial expectation, they also bring deep satisfaction in reflections, openings and bursts of revelation.
Winning control of the Red Rose County of Lancashire was probably the top moment but the victories over the LibDems brought the deepest satisfaction.

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Using conflict effectively, on the other hand, is a way of bringing deeper issues and feelings out into the open so that the conflict has a chance of being resolved to everyone's satisfaction.
Fresh Oregon black raspberries are sprinkled with sugar and a little salt, and roasted to bring a dark, rich, deep fruit satisfaction in jammy raspberry swirls.
You can usually find me up to my elbows in soil or wool... both bring great satisfaction and a deep sense of peace to my Being!
Walking its aisles on Saturday morning while hubby is hanging out with the kids at home brings deep, indescribable satisfaction to my soul.
There is nothing more gratifying than seeing what has only been imagined; each day of the shoot, brought with it that deep satisfaction, for me and everyone else on the crew, of seeing each page of the screenplay translated into life.
Challenge that felt just painful enough to bring me to the edge of frustration, but not so much that I couldn't (after perhaps 5 or 10 retries of an encounter) eventually break through with a deep sense of satisfaction.
At times in our romantic relationships, we can experience deep heartache and loss of trust from the same person who brings us joy, comfort, and satisfaction.
Our love relationships can bring us immense joy and satisfaction, deep connection and healing, and bring up our deepest fears and insecurities; intense sadness and fiery anger.
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