Sentences with phrase «bring shadows of the past»

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In the past, people stayed clear of scavengers circling overhead, fearing the birds» shadows would bring sickness.
It is a problem that has been going on for a long time, operating in the shadows of the past, going unnoticed, but is now being brought out into the open where animal activists can work to put a stop to this inhumane practice.
Past work has used paint tubes and shadows to conjure up model cities and foil - wrapped furniture to bring the discomforts of an arid landscape indoors, but here things stay plainer.
There's a story you once told me, that I think is useful to bring up here, which is a time when you painted the shadow of a beam onto one of your paintings in a past exhibition.
I imagine this is how many of God's children feel after they are adopted into His Kingdom — just in awe that a Father — Abba — could possibly love them so much and wanting to make sure that He will never leave them or «throw them away» or «put them out in the dark» — our past is often where Satan lurks in the shadows but the more we grow in our walk with our Daddy the more those shadows are brought to light and those fears are dispelled... I am so thankful for your last sentence in your blog — that you have never felt so much responsibility to pour Love and Truth into your son — exactly what's Sonny needs to break through those fears and doubts — glad you shared your heart!
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