Sentences with phrase «brings evil and suffering»

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In this kind of theodicy Gethesemane, the cross, and the resurrection are important foci for understanding the depths of God's love, who, in creating an unimaginatively complex matrix of matter eventuating finally in persons able to choose to go against God's intentions, nonetheless grieves for and suffers with this beloved creation, both in the pain its natural course brings all its creatures and in the evil that its human creatures inflict upon it.
These are some of the principles on which the schools of thought based their decisions: all things are fundamentally allowable, unless specifically prohibited; toleration and the lifting of restrictions should be the aim of legislation; eradication of mischief is the aim of administration; necessity permits benefiting by things not otherwise allowable; necessity is given due appreciation; preventing mischief has priority over bringing about welfare; commit the lesser of two evils; mischief is not removed by mischief; one should suffer private damage to avert general disaster.
I find, on the contrary, that it is much more difficult today for the knowing person to approach God from history, from the spiritual side of the world, and from morals; for there we encounter the suffering and evil in the world, which it is difficult to bring into harmony with an all «merciful and almighty God.
Stacer, for example, argues for an all - knowing, all - present, all - loving» God who «knows our human evil and the suffering it brings» (SLJT 447).
So Mister Jeffress thinks that the eschatological prediction of doomsday on May 21 is more damaging to Christianity than the prediction of «rapture» preached by Southern Baptists which will teleport born again Christians to heaven while God brings all forms of natural disasters, disease, suffering, and evil upon the rest of mankind.
So the evangelist here invites us to look beyond the relief of human suffering to a mighty act of God's chosen Servant, bringing the kingdom into history and dethroning the rule of evil in the world.
Such evil brings suffering on the powerless, and God's judgment is committed to vanquishing that evil.
And, no, I'm not talking about an «evil» man, I'm bringing suffering into the equation.
God is a risk - taker and suffers setbacks along that joumey, but God is also an omnipotent redeemer who knows how to bring good out of evil.
And in the following chapter I shall dig deeper into the notion of evil by relating it to the fact that our universe is not only a process in which everything perishes but a process in which novelty is continually entering onto the cosmic scene, causing the breakdown of previous orderly arrangements and bringing about sufferiAnd in the following chapter I shall dig deeper into the notion of evil by relating it to the fact that our universe is not only a process in which everything perishes but a process in which novelty is continually entering onto the cosmic scene, causing the breakdown of previous orderly arrangements and bringing about sufferiand bringing about suffering.
The notion of evil is related to the fact that our universe is not only a process in which everything perishes but a process in which novelty is continually entering onto the cosmic scene, causing the breakdown of previous orderly arrangements and bringing about suffering.
The new brings creative possibilities that did not exist before and with them new possibilities of evil and suffering.
The New Testament proclaims that no matter how evil the sin, God stands ready to receive the sinner and to forgive the sin, He stands ready to receive into his own being all the evil of the world to bring about its transformation, and this experience of evil is the divine suffering epitomized by the crucifixion.
An undead horde, led by a bloodthirsty tyrant threatens to envelop the world in darkness, bringing bloodshed and suffering to the living.Not all hope is lost, Johan, along with newly found friends and allies must race against time to discover the secret to defeat the evil Count Darkool.
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