Sentences with phrase «brink of default»

This week, one WMP sold to wealthy investors called Credit Equals Gold No. 1 was on the brink of default when the WMP's issuer, China Credit Trust, refused to assume the product's debt.
Hungary has been a growing problem in the last few weeks, and a Moody's rate cut on government sovereign debt from Ba1 to «junk» Baa3 yesterday is just fanning fears that Hungary is on the brink of default.
In 2008, sales plummeted while the company's stock price dipped to historic lows and critics warned that the company was on the brink of default.
An agreement on the package has remained elusive after five months of contentious negotiations that have left the country at the brink of default when the bailout expires on Tuesday.
According to Standard & Poor's, about 40 emerging - market bond issuers were on the brink of default as of year - end 2016.
That debt level is substantially lower than at the start of the year, when the company's C$ 2.1 billion in outstanding debt had it teetering on the brink of defaulting on its debt covenants.
That could set up another showdown like those that took place in 2011 and 2013 — when lawmakers brought the government to the brink of defaulting on U.S. debt, leading Standard & Poor's to downgrade the nation's credit rating for the first time.
We don't know for sure but I bet a competent person in that position would have seen the warning signs and raised the alarm before we were almost to the brink of default.
On Jan. 1, 2014, my first day as County Executive, Rockland County had only $ 42,000 in the bank and was on the brink of default.
The state is on the brink of default and powerful interests are stopping us from doing what has to be done to fix our budget.
«The tea party brought us to the brink of a default
I don't want to file banckruptcy if I don't have to but I am on the brink of defaulting on my loans.
If you're in this situation, and your student loan is on the brink of default, here are five steps to handle student loan debt in collections.
«Sweatbox» refers to the financial sweatbox — the time before people file bankruptcy, which is when they often are on the brink of defaulting on their debts and lenders can charge high interest and fees.
Other members backed by the Kochs belong to the right - wing Tea Party bloc that took the US to the brink of default in July by refusing to consider a budget deal that would include tax increases.
The delay brought the U.S. to the brink of default and the political impasse led Standard & Poor's to lower the nation's credit rating a notch soon after the drama passed.
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