Sentences with phrase «broad conclusions»

While these tools can be helpful in the classroom, drawing broad conclusions from them is complicated by their subjective nature.
He will remember the sequence of cause and effect in his actions, but he is unable to draw broad conclusions from his experience.
But experts warn against making broad conclusions for or against any specific education strategy: a small percentage of students from a small percentage of schools take the test every two years.
We can't draw broad conclusions based on the experiences of just a few people.
«It's a nice paper, but still there is a little bit of reservation about how broad the conclusion can be,» he says.
Those figures lead me to conclude that the 5 dogs in each group in this study were not enough to draw broad conclusions as to which of their treatment option might be most effective.
They do become problematic, though, when broad conclusions are drawn from their results.
Looking at a wide range of motor skills simultaneously enabled the researchers to draw broader conclusions.
But one should be careful in drawing broader conclusions about education reform from The Prize.
Thomas P. Miller, resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and co-author of «Why ObamaCare is Wrong for America» (HarperCollins, 2011), cautioned against «reaching broad conclusions» because the subject is so complex.
The report that landed on Sunday drew a few broad conclusions: pricing is opaque; quality and cost aren't always correlated; increased market - share often increases costs; cost - shifting — which is when hospitals with large Medicaid populations try to make up for that by charging more money to commercial insurers — doesn't happen that often.
But Page acknowledged that these findings were only preliminary and more studies are necessary before the draw broader conclusions on the hunger effects of sweeteners on manufactured foods or drinks and how they contribute to the risk of obesity.
It's dusty and creaky after fourteen years on the shelf, dealing with drilling wetlands and the like — but the real question is how Darby's theories could possibly be so privileged when, truth be known, if two Supreme Court Justices were offed in quick succession, everybody and their sister would be coming to the same broad conclusions this not - especially - bright law student reached.
Drawing very broad conclusions, van der Vaart doesn't seem to have helped Spurs enjoy more possession of the ball, but they have looked after it slighly better when he has been in the team.
Convincing evidence on the longer - term impacts of scaled - up pre-k programs on academic outcomes and school progress is sparse, precluding broad conclusions.
A separate panel the governor appointed to review the research recommended a series of far - reaching measures to put the Stanford group's broad conclusions into practice:
In light of that, we should not allow this study to be used to make inappropriately broad conclusions.
Lead authors Nicole Mader, Clara Hemphill and Qasim Abbas draw broad conclusions from limited data sets, leave important questions unacknowledged (let alone unanswered),... Continue reading Unraveling the «Paradox» of School Choice: A New Report from the New School Gets More Wrong Than Right
Nadel cautioned against drawing broad conclusions about energy efficiency's cost and potential from the University of Chicago study.
Dr Griffin points out that this study involved only one animal and can not be used to make broad conclusions.
Jonathan Katz of Washington University in St Louis, Missouri, suspects they may all have the same cause, but Frail says he would be reluctant to draw broad conclusions based on one sample.
«The real question is, how does this relate to performance in the real world under less controlled circumstances,» says Timothy Roehrs, a psychophysiologist at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, who cautions against drawing broad conclusions from such a small study.
Last month, the panel of 31 independent scientists charged with reviewing the EPA's draft report stated that the agency's broad conclusion about the mining technique known as fracking is at odds with the evidence and «inconsistent with the observations, data, and levels of uncertainty presented.»
[T] he broad conclusion of the world is that if you do what you love, then you'll be successful,» he said in a speech that's now available online.
And (2) that any one player's opinion (while it is a valuable and rare perspective to get) is not entirely useful for making a broad conclusion (and that's even before assessing the player in question's personal situation, talent, values, fit, etc.).
It must be said that for the MLS, this is still a showcase event, and Kinnear is well aware that while no broad conclusions will be reached from the match, plenty of eyes will be watching.
If I hadn't watched a single second of Penn State and only had the stats in front of me, I would reach two broad conclusions:
And before we reach any broad conclusions, we need to consider the specific characteristics of the study population.
The authors» narrow focus, while useful for looking at social networking sites as tools, makes it difficult to draw broader conclusions, for instance when they state that, «The translation of internet strategies into votes may be minimal.»
Tang and Zhao's recent failed attempts at receiving compensation, however, have led commentators to draw broader conclusions about the pressing need for China's judiciary to become more independent.
David Wood, strategic director for criminality and detention for the UK Border Agency said: «We are extremely disappointed with this report, but accept its broad conclusions.
«Broad conclusions can never be reached on the basis of one study alone,» Pardes says.
At the same time, it's a mistake to draw any broader conclusions from the outcome in next Tuesday's vote as to who may win control of the narrowly divided state Senate.
That skewed sample makes it difficult to draw broad conclusions.
In such a case, the referee needs to determine whether the work supports the broad conclusions the authors draw.
Differences between her genome and those of farmers in Turkey supports the broad conclusion that farming emerged independently in the region, the paper says.
Acting on advice from the NSABB, the U.S. government last month asked Science and Nature to publish only the broad conclusions of the two studies, and not to reveal the scientific details, in order to limit the risk that uncontrolled proliferation of such research might lead to accidental or intentional release of similar mutant viruses.
While there are tantalizing clues on how food allergies emerge and might be prevented, misconceptions are plentiful and broad conclusions are lacking, concludes a new report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.
The researchers caution that it's impossible to draw broad conclusions about Neandertal life histories from this one sample, such as whether Neandertals weaned their children earlier or later than modern humans who lived at the same time, or whether Neandertal children grew up faster, as some earlier studies have suggested — questions that could heavily bear on why Neandertals could not keep up with modern humans in the survival sweepstakes.
Every brain is different, especially where autism is concerned, and Cooperrider's study compares Grandin's brain with only three controls, not enough to draw broad conclusions.
But it will take more examples of ancient bone tumors to draw broader conclusions, the researchers say.
Among the broader conclusions they have come to is that great quakes are very complicated and idiosyncratic.
«While we can't make any broad conclusions with this single case, her age, sex, and use of tobacco is intriguing,» Eerkens said.
A particular doctor or nurse may be more likely to arrive at an MCI diagnosis than another health professional looking at the same patient, which makes it difficult to draw broad conclusions about the prevalence of the condition.
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