Sentences with phrase «broad public campaign finance»

Senate Republicans are also being pressured by the state's Conservative Party not to agree to a broader public campaign financing plan.
Cuomo won the backing of the party after promising to work for liberal priorities, including a higher minimum wage and broad public campaign financing.
Cuomo says the bottom line is that there are not currently enough votes in both houses of the legislature to approve a broader public campaign finance that would apply to all statewide races, including the governor's.

Not exact matches

Common Cause / NY is an active member of the Fair Elections Coalition, working for the passage of a broad package of campaign finance measures, built around a core of small donor matching fund public financing of elections.
Silver said he still supports implementing a broad public financing law for statewide campaigns.
Governor Cuomo proposed a broad set of laws including stricter limits on campaign contributions and party spending on behalf of candidates, public financing of elections to match small contributions from individuals, and new public corruption crimes in an attempt to reduce the culture of corruption in Albany.
Cuomo, who doesn't face re-election until 2014, has pledged to enact broad new campaign finance reform laws, including the public financing of campaigns and stronger disclosure rules that target independent expenditure groups.
The Assembly has long backed public matching, the most recent example being last year when Silver introduced a plan that's now touted by the coalition of groups pushing for a broad campaign finance overhaul.
The four - member Independent Democratic Conference backs a broad package of reform measures that includes the public financing of political campaigns.
The campaign finance reform world has turned to the LLC loophole this year after attempts at broader reforms — such public financing of political campaigns — has seemingly dropped off the radar following Republicans gaining full control of the Senate.
Cuomo has supported public financing of political campaigns in the past, but has up until this point not included such a system in the state budget proposal — a process that the governor's office has broad power over.
The governor in late May set a benchmark for his support of the alliance between Republicans and the five - member Independent Democratic Conference, saying he wanted action on the Dream Act (which failed in April), a broader system of public campaign finance (beyond the pilot program passed in the state budget) and his Women's Equality Act, which has been controversial because of a plank changing the state's abortion laws.
ALBANY — Governor Andrew Cuomo, whose defunct anti-corruption commission was subpoenaed this week by federal prosecutors, vowed in an essay to keep fighting for a broader system of public campaign finance this year.
«The governor continues to unequivocally support public campaign finance, has worked to enact it, and, though it was and remains the primary sticking point standing in the way of broader reform, will continue to push for passage this year,» DeRosa said in a statement.
The unions and Cuomo are prepared to publicly agitate for Democratsto take control of the State Senate if there's no deal reached on a broader system of public campaign finance, which many in the institutional left see as necessary to combat court decisions that have open floodgates of spending by the rich.
Separately, a good - government advocate unloaded her frustration with Cuomo that a broader system of public campaign finance was rejected in place of a pilot program that applies to the state comptroller.
Advocates for broader campaign finance reform were gobsmacked at the speed that will be required to set up the public matching oversight system.
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