Sentences with phrase «broad public responsibilities»

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But at the same time we interact daily with the public we serve — probably the one most people relate to is search and rescue, but we have broad responsibilities in our ports.
Ms Spence also made a broader point about the public's attitude towards responsibility and how that impacted on policing.
The Archbishop of Westminster went on to make a broader attack on the treatment of immigrants in the British media, warning that «there is a moral responsibility on all those in public life, including the media, to avoid stirring up irrational fears that feed prejudice».
«I chose not to speak publicly about these disagreements, however, because I feel my responsibility as CEO of Success Academy is not to advance my personal beliefs on a broad range of political issues but instead to focus all of my energies on advocating for our kids and public policies that expand educational opportunity and parent choice,» she wrote.
And with remarkable frequency, the broader media uses our selections to decide which scientific advances to convey to the public, adding to our profound sense of responsibility.
Established in 2003, the Council is committed to an evidence - based approach to building broad - based public will that transcends political partisanship and recognizes the complementary responsibilities of family, community, workplace, and government to promote the well - being of all young children.
Most importantly, it takes seriously what it means to understand the relationship between how we learn and how we act as individual and social agents; that is, it is concerned with teaching students how not only to think but to come to grips with a sense of individual and social responsibility, and what it means to be responsible for one's actions as part of a broader attempt to be an engaged citizen who can expand and deepen the possibilities of democratic public life.
Whether we are being funded by a foundation or public funds, we have a responsibility to disseminate our findings to the broader public and make our findings accessible in order to inform the wider debates.
«It's a humbling honor to assume the responsibility of leading the charge to continue The Broad Foundation's rigorous dedication to stronger public schools, cutting - edge scientific and medical research and accessibility to the arts.
While charters may argue that despite their small size, administrators have broad and important responsibilities, the best way to address that would be to benchmark salaries to slightly larger public district schools.
Helping the development of legal professions across all of those countries and having legal professionals who understand that they have public and fiduciary responsibilities to those who can't afford legal services and also to the broader issues of justice in the rule of law is critical.
As digital currencies increasingly make their way into the mainstream conscious, service providers have a responsibility to ensure the broader public can access the rapidly growing blockchain ecosystem.»
This Project acknowledges that States and Indian tribes have a broad range of common interests and shared responsibilities to use available public resources wisely and effectively.
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