Sentences with phrase «broad satire»

Timson obviously relishes his role as reader of this nostalgic tale, rich in broad satire and clever irony.
Normally, for such a broad satire, I would state that you should see the films satirized in order to understand the gags.
So much here is rife for broad satire — a man who lives out of his wallet, has compartmentalized his life to fit into a single carry - on bag, and argues about the joys of independent, single living only to meet a seemingly ideal mate — but he is too concerned about his characters to descend to obvious observations or generalizations.

Not exact matches

«Conquest of the Planet of the Apes» is cinematically etched in broad, brash strokes slashing social satire and science fiction suspense with large - scale spectacle.
While The Brand New Testament relies too heavily on surface level satire for my liking, its broad strokes are so cheekily amusing that the film is easy to recommend.
Payne weaves a tale that can be viewed as a teen comedy or a satire of a premature midlife crisis with equal satisfaction, and his gift for jokes both broad and subtle has only improved since his last film.
As political satires go, it's broad and obvious, seldom clever.
Its satire is too broad and silly to have much sting.
The script starts repeating its best gags about halfway through, and the direction gets ever broader as it goes along until the film finally loses all effectiveness as satire.
In the hands of director Matthew Vaughn, this film packs some of the same sly humor as The Princess Bride, although the tone is not nearly as consistent and sometimes topples into broad humor or satire.
One would be a broad Hollywood satire about the thin line separating Barry's old profession from his new one, featuring abundant cartoonish violence and punchlines with double meaning for thespian and assassins both, all while treating Barry's day job as a joke in and of itself.
I might have laughed if the clips were pointed or directed at something discernible, but the targets are so excessively broad and nonspecific that the effect is satire in name only.
The film attempts to juxtapose extremely heightened, broad farce with social satire in a period setting along with dark subject matters such as cannibalism and incest.
I couldn't have chosen wiser — Guilluame Canet's movie star satire Rock»n Roll is as broad and goofy and absurd as they come, and while it might overstay its welcome (I'd say no comedy should run over two hours but Toni Erdmann did recently prove that golden rule incorrect) it's also a lively good - natured farce that had the audience half rolling in the aisles.
As a satire, it's far too broad to consider as a good one, but dammit, it made me laugh, and if that's all you're looking to do, I'd say to give this crazy, silly gag-fest a shot.
BODIED Joseph Kahn's hilarious rap battle satire takes many broad comedic swings at cultural appropriation, white privilege, challenging art, misogyny, outrage culture, and systemic racism.
And, of course, your sense of humor has to be pretty broad since it is all over the place, from scathing high satire to the nastiest of toilet humor.
The story of a 16 - year - old girl who gets pregnant could easily be the jumping point for broad social satire, but Cody respects her characters too much to mistreat them so.
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