Sentences with phrase «broad survey»

Several focused exclusively on narrative or conceptual art, while others presented broader surveys.
After their first two releases provided broad surveys of our planet's landscapes and waters, Disneynature seems to have settled on a narrower format: spending extended time with a small group of photogenic animals.
It prompted Reich and his colleagues to make a much broader survey of human DNA.
Acker is the curator of «Cult of the Machine: Precisionism and American Art,» the first broad survey of precisionism in nearly 20 years.
Likewise, in the last decade, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago has organized broad surveys on contemporary art in Mexico City and on the Brazilian cultural movement Tropicalía.
Either we just give up on all single attempts to do broad surveys of the creative landscape (which seems to be what has happened) or we need to take the job much more seriously.What this means is that a single (modest size) museum or small team of curators is just not up to the job.
Rolling out an unprecedentedly broad survey of artworks and collateral materials from its own collection, it shows us in nuanced and comprehensive terms what Leider and others have long argued about the ambitions of the New York School.
This week, researchers at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) unveiled a project on their wish list: a much broader survey of 10,000 tumors per cancer type that would aim to pin down very rare cancer genes.
In a broader survey of 840 knowledge workers — managers and professionals with specialized expertise — Duxbury found the average time spent working outside the workplace was seven hours a week.
Another tactic is to conduct a broad survey over a few weeks and, judging on the feedback you get, develop a new, more focused online survey that pinpoints certain objectives.
Spence offers a broad survey of the issues surrounding this convergence.
Reputational tools available to companies include collecting data, including from stakeholder focus groups and broad surveys, as well as monitoring, dissecting and analyzing the data.
The Financial Stability Board, in conjunction with the BCBS, CPMI and IOSCO have launched a broad survey about Cleared derivative markets.
But the impressive roster of scholars, journalists, and editors takes a broader survey of the landscape than Bloom, who focused on higher education.
After three opening chapters about how we got the Bible and how it is to be read and understood, Marcus Borg takes the reader on a broad survey of the Bible, beginning with Genesis and going all the way through Revelation.
A broad survey of our candidates shows more women than ever before, more young people and more Welsh speakers — it is above all more in touch with the electorate than in the past.
Among a group of 595 researchers identified as being in the field of genetics, 28 % reported that they had delayed publication of results for more than 6 months, as compared to 22 % in the broad survey group.
Blistering heat waves recorded around the globe in 2013 were linked to human - caused global warming, according to a broad survey of studies on extreme weather events published yesterday.
In collaboration with coauthors at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Broad Institute, the team went on to conduct a broad survey of metabolites within the kidney in order to examine chemical energy reactions in a number of different contexts — in the injured kidney, in the non-injured kidney and in genetically manipulated kidneys.
The SDR — NSF's broader survey, which paints a sunnier picture of Ph.D. employment — follows a sample of Ph.D. s for their entire careers.
A broad survey conducted across southern Asia reinforces the idea that the mammal biodiversity of an area can be determined by looking at the DNA found in leeches» blood meals.
The Cancer Short Course provides a broad survey of the cancer research and experimental modeling from systems and computational genetics,...
This broad survey considers storyboards use in cinema at large, from Alfred Hitchcock (with comments from his late production designer Robert Boyle) to Kevin Costner, with quite a bit of attention going to The Love Bug.
««Fifty Shades of Grey» is at its most interesting when it pauses to explore a balance of power, wherein sex and gender roles relate to a broader survey of boundaries and choices... That said, the movie doesn't often have time for all this, and while some of its fleshier scenes — of which there are many — may urge you and your theater date to get a room, its ick factor is usually too prevalent to overlook.»
provides a broad survey of the applications of VR in education, but if you're looking for a simple way to try something like this out in your classroom, 360 - degree videos are readily available on both YouTube and Facebook.
The study, conducted by Dr Skip Roland for the National Institute of Studies, involved a broad survey of over 4000 different games and the people that play them.
Unlike previous efforts, the exhibition does not pretend to be a broad survey of the period.
Her current exhibition, 6 out of 5 at White Cube Mason's Yard in London, is a broad survey of her work across the decades, including her well - known photographic series from the 70s, frottage drawings from the 80s, and more recent paintings.
In 2015, London's Royal Academy presented a broad survey of his career, while in 2017, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art mounted a major exhibition, Matisse / Diebenkorn, which explored the French artist's influence on the American painter.
The Museum is pleased to present a broad survey of Mary Frank's work from across her long and accomplished career.
It is the broadest survey of Gallen - Kallela's art ever organised in France or Germany.
It's not yet clear how much the Broad survey will overlap with the 2012 Cindy Sherman retrospective organized by the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Tate Modern's broad survey of the work of Amadeo Modigliani (1884 - 1920), which is on until 2 April 2018, includes the largest group of nudes by the artist ever shown together in the UK.
Rather than a broad survey, the exhibition represents the unique viewpoints of three leading - edge experts in the field of contemporary ceramic art and craft practice: Cristina Cordova, Richard Notkin and Namita Gupta Wiggers, who juried the show.
With topics such as luxury objects in the pre-Columbian Americas, 20th - century Afro - Brazilian art, alternative spaces in Mexico City, and boundary - crossing practices of Latino artists, exhibitions will range from monographic studies of individual artists to broad surveys that cut across numerous countries.
A broad survey of art from across the United States, this exhibition was organized in 2014 by Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, in Bentonville, Arkansas.
Koons's enduring ability to delight, fascinate and provoke is evident throughout this broad survey.
Its rich and diverse collection, containing representatives of more than 300 plant families, provides beginning students with a broad survey of the plant kingdom.
The first presentation, which opened in October 2008 at the Van Abbemuseum in the Netherlands, sought to uncover new ways of thinking about the American interior during the U.S. presidential election and gave European audiences access to a broad survey of the Heartland's culture, art, and music.
Its inaugural show is this broad survey of contemporary art produced with the intention of creating social change.
Currently, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York has the first comprehensive North American exhibition devoted to the work of Brazilian painter and installation artist Lygia Clark, and the Bronx Museum of the Arts is showing «Beyond the Supersquare,» a broad survey that examines the ways in which Latin American artists have dealt with the influences of Modernist design.
This broad survey of the development and diversity of fiber - based work in contemporary art includes pieces by 33 artists, including Ernesto Neto and Rosemarie Trockel.
Taking place in the Bargehouse, a raw, four - storey warehouse space behind the OXO Wharf Tower, conveniently located within walking distance from both the Tate Modern and the Southbank Centre along the Thames, Moving Image represents a broad survey of artists invited by an international committee of curatorial advisors.
The exhibition, a broad survey of Burke's career, is his first at the gallery.
For Frieze week, he has dipped into his collection for a broad survey of Britain's leading 20th - century modernists, Henry Moore, Ben Nicholson and Barbara Hepworth.
This publication gathers pieces by 28 artists working across several generations and in a myriad of themes, offering a broad survey of the Chinese art world today.
Nude: Survey One is a group exhibition curated by Eric Minh Swenson that will provide a broad survey of works that explore the nude figure in a variety of mediums.
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