Sentences with phrase «broader light»

The researchers pumped a hybrid waveguide with an ultrafast, intense laser pulse and produced a very broad light spectrum in the near and mid-infrared range (1.1?
Both series inform works she has created throughout her career and shed broader light on artistic production of the 1960s.
His death recently came to broader light when his friend Oliver Rolston dedicated an academic publication to him.
Photovoltaic cells optimally utilize a very narrow range of the solar spectrum — the broad light supplied by the sun.
University of Twente scientists have now successfully managed to create a light chip with the broadest light spectrum ever.
Instead of using white LEDs (which have yellow phosphors) that produce a broad light spectrum that makes it hard to efficiently produce saturated colors, quantum dots directly convert the light from blue LEDs into highly saturated primary colors for LCDs.
It is something of a library of French industrial achievements over the last few centuries but also throws a broader light on the history of technical evolution throughout the world.
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