Sentences with phrase «broken html tag»

With HTML it's easier for something to go wrong — just one broken HTML tag and tour email will likely end up in the junk folder.

Not exact matches

Refrain from using HTML tags, tables, line breaks, and other special formatting characters.
InDesign allows you to say what HTML tag and class you'd like slapped on a particular style on export, and whether you want a page break before it.
By structuring your HTML properly, making use of heading tags (e.g..

Your Heading

), Calibre can build your table of contents and even insert page breaks for each of your heading tags.
Put the tag immediately before every chapter title tag, or better still reserve one of the header tags (e.g. the tag) for chapters and put e.g. h1 -LCB- page - break - before: always -RCB- into the CSS style sheet at the top of your HTML.
* shrugs * So I'm trying to work around the problem, but pretty irritated that I now have at least 5 titles now showing HTML tags in descriptions and no clear workaround other than breaking away from the standard formating I had been using for all my titles.
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