Sentences with phrase «broken shells»

One of those stupid is where he writes that nuts is not a human food just because you can't break the shell with you teeth.
First time I made them, they were quite narrow (see below) so I now use one more grid to fit more filling in without breaking the shell.
The thick texture of the mushrooms means you can pile on the taco toppings and you won't have to worry about breaking the shell.
In addition, be mindful of items that may injure paw pads, such as broken shells, glass or even discarded fish hooks.
While broken shells by themselves are not all that glamorous, I use their tiny collections to fill each mason jar, as the base for a white votive candle.
After a five - hour journey through the Alps and into northern Italy, the S - Class cabrio's soft - top cocoon finally breaks its shell at the Monfalcone exit, close to Trieste and the Slovenian border.
As always, the lap of the waves from the ocean when they hit the beach (where we go in Florida, the waves come in pretty soft) and the tinkling of that wave going over broken shells as it goes back home.
To break that shell of cold, emptiness and bring about closure.
Break shells with a hammer, then remove flesh with screwdriver, prying it out carefully.
He made several vids of him doing anything he knew how to do: peeling an egg without breaking the shell, losing weight quickly, a silly balancing the fork on a cup magic trick.
Today the American civil religion is an empty and broken shell.
The whole and vibrant person I am today is hardly recognizable from the broken shell of a person I used to be.
Take care not to break the shell!
Discard any mussels with broken shells.
The fact that he drags this broken shell of a basketball team to the playoffs every year is a testament to how good he is.
Not just because somebody always gets injured, somebody always gets a late plane back, and somebody scores an own goal to ruin their country's stout defensive performance and comes back a broken shell of a footballer.
I love that you can store them year after year, and you don't have to worry about any broken shells or foul smells.
If and when such women have babies, holding their little one in their arms could be enough to break that shell.
«We're constantly dealing with shark bites because they're simply part of the equation, just like sunburn and stepping on a broken shell are,» he said.
More than 85 % of the marsh crabs died in the cages, they report online this week in Ecology, which were littered with broken shells and severed limbs.
TZVIKA, THE TURTLE A run - in with a lawnmower left Tzvika with a broken shell and a damaged spine — and her back legs very weak.
«This shows that avoidance of parasitism is a motivation but nest sanitation also plays a part because the sparrows probably think the white, non-round objects are egg sacks and broken shells, which are usually removed from the nest after the young hatch.»
This nucleus can leak via the broken shell and cause pain and other complications.
Tap against the counter to break the shell, and peel carefully.
It broke the shell for me and now I'm just in love with the whole thing!
There are a few things I want to change and also try so hopefully 2017 will be one of these years where I can break my shell «Dress after your body», it is the best thing you'd do instead of following the fashion trends without thinking if they'd actually suit you.
I love that you can store them year after year, and you don't have to worry about any broken shells or foul smells.
Sign up s services really helped me break my shell enjoy again.
Rachel Weisz burrows so deep into this sad woman that she nearly succeeds in removing herself entirely, leaving only a broken shell behind.
The bird dares to break the shell, then the shell breaks open and the bird can fly openly.
There's no way of knowing yet whether he'll end up with a nice, fluffy Canadian Bacon omelet, or just a pile of broken shells and a big hot mess.
One way humans can come in contact with a cyst is when a dog or cat bites a flea and breaks its shell, causing the cyst to come out onto the fur.
She will jump up at trees in order to gather the Nuts and break the shells with her teeth to get at the Nut!
Or has it left me a broken shell of a man, filled only with bitter disappointment and a large plate of nachos?
Learn how to create striking realism with coloured pencils as you draw a fried egg and broken shell.
Recent storms have eroded many of these beaches exposing an array of broken shell, coral as well as human made bits and pieces such as an old dolls hand.
Essentially a DIY project put together over a period of years by the students and teachers who took over this broken shell of a building, the school is an immense and beautiful open space reclaimed from the ruins of an abandoned industrial zone.
Detail of «The Unwinding Destiny Project,» (broken shells from all the eggs the artist consumed over six years) by Ula Einstein.
The vivid blue creatures stood out from the broken shells and other debris along the beach in Boca Raton.
I have been inspired by broken shells this week!
broken shells?
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