Sentences with phrase «broken system for»

This group of 15 injured workers had lived the experience; we had suffered the effects of a broken system for too long.
«The state's well - regarded charter school educators can not continue to produce strong results and meet the demand of rapidly growing waitlists if the state doesn't fix its broken system for funding all public schools — charter, district or otherwise.
«In our request for waivers from No Child Left Behind's broken system for evaluating schools, we advocate for accountability for results for all publicly funded schools,» he said.
(2) «Second, we need to address our badly broken system for delivering state resources to the schools.
In this edition of the EdCast, Camila Vallejo and Noam Titelman, education activists in Chile, shine light on the Chilean Students Movement and how it is attempting to transform a broken system for generations to come.

Not exact matches

Here are the energy efficiency rates your subsystems need to be operating at in order to qualify for a tax break: lighting systems need to be 25 % efficient, HVAC 15 % efficient, and the building envelope 10 % efficient.
For preventing exposure to fallout after a blast, tape plastic over entryways or broken windows at your shelter and turn off any cooling or heating systems that draw in outside air.
The crucial next step for retailers is unifying these channels — breaking down silos between mobile, online and in - store experiences so that every channel operates as a single, unified system, with the customer experience at the forefront.
The banking system was hyper - competitive and quick to take risks in pursuit of profits; policymakers aggressively pushed homeownership through measures such as tax breaks for mortgage interest payments; and weak recourse laws let mortgage defaulters off the hook.
Syriza, which broke a two - party - led system, has disappointed some on the left for implementing austerity measures and the reputation of the mainstream parties remains damaged following what is perceived as years of failed promises.
«Cat proves that within America's broken criminal justice system lies the potential for prisoners to become productive entrepreneurs and upstanding citizens,» says Grant.
President Trump woke up this morning and fired off a tweet criticising Democrats who «are pushing for Universal HealthCare while thousands of people are marching in the UK because their U system is going broke and not working.»
It's a habit that isn't easy to break, but once you do develop a system that works for you, the time saved will be very noticeable.
Instead, you'll have a fast, simple system for discovering the opinion of your market, which is the one opinion that decides if you go broke or get rich.
Healthcare and education are just two examples — but they illustrate a point: if the current system prevents a growing number of people from being able to care for themselves when they are sick, or get the training they need to get a job that supports themselves and their families, they will break the system.
After landing some local press, Ritter began selling his supplement, a 34 - day system designed to retrain the digestive system to better break down dairy, for $ 150 a pop.
If we want to break past lackluster economic growth rates and make meaningful change in lives and livelihoods, we need to move beyond incremental innovation (think slightly - better iPhones) toward revolutionary innovation (think new energy systems, next - generation electronics, and cures for Cancer and Alzheimer's).
We're dealing with a system in which other people who are arrested do not have that privilege, and we're trying to break down the notion that there's preferential treatment for law enforcement because that is what is separating law enforcement from communities that they are supposed to serve and that's what is making it harder for them to get intelligence from those communities to solve crimes.
The revamped models, which are powered by a whole new operating system, are widely seen as a make - or - break product for the company.
This broken system, however, is creating demand for a better way to work.
He's not broke, mind you; just using the court system to stiff creditors for $ 28 million.
The government's favourite talking point on recent tariff hikes is that the existing system represents a «special tax break for Chinese companies.»
In his view the company also needs to create systems to audit third party data collection and sharing «on an ongoing basis» — and thereby «hold third parties to their promises by engineering controls and contractual lockups» — including «effective remedies when third parties break the rules — including enforceable rights to audit, retrieve, delete and destroy data improperly acquired or used, and liquidated and actual damages for violations».
Think of the beliefs of the past — the Earth is the center of the solar system, the world is flat, you can't break the sound barrier, you can't run the mile in under four minutes, and there's no need for a computer in the home.
blooom breaks down the barriers of complexity in a retirement system that has become too time - consuming, opaque, and expensive for many Americans.
The AG, Maura Healey, is asking for statutory damages under Massachusetts consumer and data security law on behalf of every state resident whose private information was exposed when hackers broke into Equifax's systems — regardless of wheth
Transport Minister Lisa Raitt said through a spokeswoman that the government took a series of measures, both before and after the accident, including investing $ 100 million in the railway safety system, increasing fines for companies that broke the rules, and bringing in new whistleblower protection.
The Question: True or False: the U.S. immigration system for skilled workers is broken?
The Shadow Brokers disclosures are much more detailed, the actual code and instructions for breaking into foreign systems as of three summers ago.
Maybe the misfortune break of cryptocurrencies are the MLM coins, for example, OneCoin, which aim the technical uninformed with a multi turn offered system, earnest to be the subsequent Bitcoin.
For anyone who's ever wondered what repos are and why they matter, we'll break down their purpose and their role in the money market and our country's monetary system.
In a week when business lobby groups are appearing before the House of Commons Committee on Finance and calling for more tax breaks, the federal R&D Panel appointed a year ago released a very good report saying Canada's very generous system of R&D tax incentives haven't been effective and what we need instead are more direct grants -LSB-...]
These proposals were hard forks, meaning that their implementation could break Bitcoin as a system for value transfer (
He earned national recognition for championing charters, arguing that competition in the public school system would help «break what is in essence one of the only remaining public monopolies,» as he told The New York Daily News in 2014.
By thoughtfully advocating for changes in unjust systems, providing relief in areas of raw need, and empowering people within broken neighborhoods to love one another, the power of the Gospel to deal with individual sin and systemic injustice will be proclaimed to the watching world to the praise of our Father.
I told him that he had begun to slide down a slippery slope, for the five points of Calvinism are like five links on a chain: they stand or fall together and if one link in the chain breaks, it is only a matter of time before the whole system unravels.
If you are 55 or under and hope to enjoy some of those benefits you have been paying into from your paychecks for the last 30 years, of which the Government has borrowed 5 trillion dollars for other spending such as defense and tax breaks for the rich, which is why the current social security system is in jeopardy, then you will be voting for Obama.
the blood of the son of god is greater then mur and the biblea moral system its a gospel and a covenant that says we cant meet gods standard but jesus did, so everyone can be forgiven of anything if they recieve it form jesus od does nt say just cause u murdered your excluded to god sin is sin, the only difference is the level of boundary you break ad the consequence in this life, a liar gets a small consequence a murder will in this reap judgement, but to after this life god sees as we a sinned, jesus paid it all and he forgives everyone who believes in jesus for an they did
But, for instance, let's say you have some Catholic classes you need a teacher for... would you really hire someone you know to be breaking your moral code to teach your belief system?
Honestly, the real problem with the Middle East is that America has become a country with a judicial system that doesn't punish people for breaking the law, so we try to enforce that same type of system on them.
While this system has broken down, it has decayed not simply because the animal spirits of Wall Street did not temper their zeal with a respect for greater community, but because American citizens embraced the pact that was offered them: an endless supply of baubles from citizens in chains so long as they refused to speak out in the pulpit against the notion that greed is good, that profit maximization is the chief end of man.
Fed up with the current system, our columnist, Ben Lowe, decided to run for Congress and take to task all the broken and partisan politics that had been infuriating him (and us) for so long.
What would it look like if we took the same approach to reform of our justice system for those who have broken the law?
More education is required for democracy to flourish — education about the system, the impact of voting, the importance of changing things that are broken and an awareness of what is going on behind the smokescreen.
It's the words that our Lord provided for us as a reminder that our shared voices, our shared poverty, and our shared faith are aligned under the one God Who descended into our broken system in order to bring balance back to a world that's lost its original perfection of peace and harmony.
This is important because there are folks who are for the death penalty in principle, but they're against the death penalty in practice (because they look at how broken the system is in our country.)
In other words, the biosphere is a mutually linked system, so that any major break or perturbation of its locally - dependent relationships may result in a drastic loss for the global whole.
So you are telling me that Medicaid and Medicare hasnt made people not wan na get out of it??? People are earnestly trying to not need the governments help??? These two organizations are examples of how are country became a nation of dependents... If i do nt have money... its ok... ill use the government to provide me a check to make all my pains go away... oh and btw... i can use that to get my lottery... win it... and still i can use the government for my health care... The system is flawed... deeply broken...
Maybe this year we prepare for Jesus not simply by hanging up wreaths but by pulling down the broken, unjust systems that tend to obscure God's presence among us by obscuring God's image in our brothers and sisters.
Breaking News NASA: Three planets found are some of best candidates so far for habitable worlds outside our solar system.
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