Sentences with phrase «brought under the theory»

Like other personal injury cases, a motorcycle accident case will generally be brought under the theory of negligence.
While a product liability lawsuit is also a possible course of action, most cases will be brought under the theory of negligence.
When a semi-truck driver causes an accident that results in injuries to one or more parties, the injured parties may be able to seek financial compensation through a personal injury lawsuit brought under the theory of negligence.

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But Locke might make more sense than Silver in suggesting that no impersonal theory of evolution can really explain why one species alone turned on nature and has increasingly brought the planet under its conscious and personal control.
The other, deeper reason is the attempt to bring perception under the general theory of symbolism.
These are the ideas which were first brought forward in biology by thinkers such as Needham and Woodger (with myself acquiescing on the side - lines) under the name «Organizing Relations,» and by Bertalanffy, who conducted a vigorous propaganda campaign on their behalf, under the name of «Systems Theory, and finally by Norbert Wiener, with equal fervour, as «Cybernetics.»
Under the changes, mothers will be able to transfer maternity leave to fathers from 2 weeks after the birth of the child (rather than 20 weeks as now), in theory encouraging both parents to take a full role from the start — with all the benefits that brings.
I have stayed with stock market investments on the theory that either the crisis will be brought under control and the stocks will recover, or that the efforts will fail and national bankruptcy will ensue, which means that money - equivalents are not a conservative investment.
Proving that a defendant violated a statute or regulation may help a victim or their family bring a claim under a theory of negligence per se.
However, the plaintiff (who had refiled under medical malpractice) brought the ordinary negligence theory again, despite the orders, and was awarded a staggering $ 20 million (one of the largest in state history and very unusual for someone so advanced in age).
In the above case specifically, it is possible the victims may bring a claim under the theory of negligence, based on the heightened duty of the «common carrier.»
Whether under the theory of negligence or premise liability, we can explore your case and bring those accountable to justice and hopefully prevent future harms.
Most Florida personal injury cases are brought under the legal theory of negligence.
The court also surveyed other jurisdictions across the United States, noting that the states are split on whether to apply the fireman's rule to cases other than those brought under a premises liability theory.
In chemical poisoning cases, product - liability actions are often brought under failure to warn or defective packaging theories.
Premise liability claims are generally brought under a negligence theory.
If a product that is designed, sold, manufactured, or distributed by a company is unsafe, a person injured by such product can bring a damages lawsuit against the manufacturer under a product liability theory.
Under California law, victims have only two years to bring defective products claims, regardless of the legal theory they use.
Such actions are generally brought under a strict liability theory, which requires no showing of negligence on the part of a manufacturer or distributor.
Product liability cases can be brought under several legal theories, with the most common one being negligence.
Medical malpractice cases can be brought under a number of different theories.
The next theory under which a victim may bring a claim is negligent entrustment.
Justice Thomas in his dissent, joined by Justice Kennedy, characterized Basic as a «judicially invented doctrine based on an economic theory adopted to ease the burden on plaintiffs bringing claims under an implied cause of action» while highlighting the dissent of Justices White and O'Connor in Basic.
The issue was whether a man could sue for retaliation as an aggrieved person under Title VII on the theory that he was fired in retaliation for a sex harassment claim brought by his fiancee.
The Salesperson brought a lawsuit seeking compensation from the Bank under a variety of legal theories.
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