Sentences with phrase «brown dwarf disks»

We present the idea that the physical and chemical processes in brown dwarf disks are similar to those that occur in T Tauri disks, because our models suggest that these smaller disks are driven by the same chemical processes.
We use previous observations of the brown dwarf disk ISO - Oph 102 to inform a fiducial model around which we build a small grid of brown dwarf disk models, in order to explore the structure of CO isotopologue, HCN, and HCO + lines.
Although these two lines have not yet been observed in a brown dwarf disk in the sub-mm, they are useful tracers of warm surface - layer gas and disk ionization.

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And although he is confident that the disks are real, Marcy points out that astronomers» models of brown dwarfs are still in their infancy, and it's hard to predict exactly how much heat they produce.
Like young stars, brown dwarfs are surrounded by protoplanetary disks in this artist conception.
There's an intriguing twist, too: Jayawardhana and others have shown that young brown dwarfs generally do not have massive protoplanetary disks of gas and dust, which means that if the new object is indeed a planet, it may not have formed the same way planets in our solar system did.
A dusty disk girdles a young brown dwarf with just 15 times Jupiter's mass, in this artist's conception.
Little brown dwarfs probably have less than one Jupiter's worth of mass in their disks, says CfA astronomer Charles Lada.
And in the past several years, disks seemed equally likely around brown dwarfs: gaseous balls less than 75 times the mass of Jupiter, unable to ignite sustained hydrogen fusion.
Astronomers like to find such disks because they might be able to catch the star partway through the planet formation process, but it's highly unusual to find such disks around brown dwarfs or stars with very low masses.
We use the code ProDiMo to produce 2D thermochemical models of the protoplanetary disks around brown dwarfs, with the aim of accurately modelling the disk chemistry.
Zanazzi, J.J. & Lai, D., Extended Transiting Disks and Rings Around Planets and Brown Dwarfs: Theoretical Constraints, exprint arXiv: 1605.02365, 2016
Moreover, the brown dwarf companion to 15 Sge may eventually prove to have a highly circular orbit that is coplanar with the circumstellar disk so that planets formed in inner orbits around the star.
The Webb telescope, using spectroscopy to study the chemical composition of such disks, will be able to examine this finding in greater detail, pinpointing just how much water is present in the region close to the star, and looking at whether the discovery extends to lower - mass stars and even dim «brown dwarf» stars.
Some researchers even hold that planets could form around brown dwarf and protoplanetary disks have already been found around a few of them.
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