Sentences with phrase «brownfield program»

«Without the EPA brownfields program, [OCIDA] would not be able to leverage its funds to the extent necessary to return the former Roth Steel property into a clean and productive site for taxpayers of the county.»
Katherine Nadeau said that any efforts from the federal government to assist communities with redevelopment and planning efforts while New York reforms its own brownfield programs are welcome.
She recently spoke to members of CREW Charlotte about the North Carolina Brownfields program, and the Charlotte Observer reported on her comments.
New York state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli unveiled a new plan to overhaul the state's brownfields program today.
The current brownfield program at numerous times has resulted in the expansion of current manufacturers and the retention of those jobs.
The law also would allow municipalities to apply for site assessment grants that were obtained before the creation of the EPA's Brownfields Program in 1995.
Florida's Brownfields Program Shows Record Participation, Provides Key Incentives for Cleanup & Redevelopment
Asked whether the entire brownfields program could be shuttered, Santasieri said it was a possibility.
The Environmental Protection Agency's Brownfields Program helps communities identify and remediate buildings and land that may be contaminated by environmental pollutants.
For now, EPA funds and other cleanup assistance continue to be available through the three regional brownfields programs that serve communities across the country, Santasieri told conference attendees.
The grant from the EPA brownfield program will help continue efforts to clean the Roth steel site and return it to productive use, Onondaga County Executive Joanie Mahoney added.
Nadeau considers New York's own brownfield programs, which mainly provide tax credits to developers to clean up contaminated sites.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The North Carolina Brownfields Program is a highly technical state initiative designed to encourage clean - up and redevelopment of contaminated land.
Unshackle Upstate ranked state lawmakers for their stance on several bills that the pro-business group supports, including Governor Andrew Cuomo's plan to offer tax free packages to some new or expanding businesses near college campuses, and an extension of the Brownfields program to give tax credits for repurposing old industrial sites.
Unshackle Upstate ranked state lawmakers for their stance on several bills that the pro business group supports, including Governor Cuomo's plan to offer tax free packages to some new or expanding businesses near college campuses, and an extension of the Brownfields program to give tax credits for repurposing old industrial sites.
We need to do what we didn't last year, and that's extend the brownfields program
In last year's budget proposal, Gov. Andrew Cuomo sought reforms to the brownfields program.
Superfund / Brownfields: $ 135 million is appropriated to finance state superfund and brownfield programs and related agency expenditures.
The property which underwent a substantial remediation by the federal Environmental Protection Agency, is now the focus of a Brownfields Program Application submitted to the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) on behalf of Castleton Paperboard.
Unshackle Upstate ranked state lawmakers for their stance on several bills that the pro business group supports, including Governor Cuomo's plan to offer tax - free packages to some new or expanding businesses near college campuses, and an extension of the Brownfields program to give tax credits for repurposing old industrial sites.
Approved $ 142.3 million for superfund / brownfield programs, including $ 120 million for hazardous waste remediation, $ 15 million for expenses related to the brownfield act, including state funded cleanups, technical assistance grants, and brownfield program administration; $ 7.3 million for costs related to brownfield and VCP oversight.
Reforming New York's brownfields programs has also been a focus of state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, who is pushing for reforms before the expiration of the Brownfield Cleanup Program, which is up 2015 unless it's extended.
«New York needs to reform our brownfields program and any help that we get from the federal government to revitalize those areas will go that much further to restoring the upstate economy,» said Nadeau.
The BUILD Act reauthorizes the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Brownfields Program, and modernizes and improves on elements of the program to provide support for communities working to redevelop brownfields.
The brownfields program started with small seed grants.
«It is perhaps one of the most cost - effective uses of federal dollars to be found anywhere in the federal government,» said Vernice Miller - Travis, former director of the Environmental Justice Initiative at the Natural Resource Defense Council, who was involved with advising EPA on the brownfields program when it was created.
Since its inception in 1995, the EPA's brownfields program has awarded 1,895 assessment grants totaling $ 447.6 million, 279 revolving loan fund grants totaling $ 273.1 million and 752 cleanup grants totaling $ 140.8 million.
This includes $ 20 million to support dislocated workers (through the Department of Labor), $ 50 million to communities (through the Appalachian Regional Commission) and $ 5 million to communities (through the EPA's Brownfields Program).
Currently, the Brownfields Program is being used at a number of redevelopment projects in uptown Charlotte.
Cooper said, «Using the brownfields program has become a nice economic tool.
«The brownfields program is not necessarily about environmental quality; it's about redevelopment, and I hope the new administration sees that.»
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