Sentences with phrase «brush your teeth twice»

If brushing your teeth twice a day is not part of your regular routine, you better make some changes, and quick.
To reduce bacteria and plaque build - up, it's essential to brush your teeth twice per day.
Not only does brushing your teeth twice per day reduce bad breath, it also reduces your risk for gum disease and reduces tooth stains.
A large poster hangs in the clubhouse advocating that the young boys eat well, sleep well, have their kit well organised and brush their teeth twice a day.
I brush her teeth twice a day.
3 - 6 Year Olds — If your child is between three and six years old make sure to brush their teeth twice a day with a pea - sized amount of fluoride toothpaste.
For example, you could talk about habits like washing hands before eating, brushing teeth twice a day, and exercising.
This is also the reason why dentists recommend brushing your teeth twice a day.
This link does require more research but it shows that it is important to brush your teeth twice a day.
As children and adults we know that if we want to have a healthy white smile we need to brush our teeth twice a day, floss if necessary and have regular check ups with the dentist.
When baby teeth push through, brush teeth twice a day, using a tiny smear of fluoride toothpaste on a soft baby toothbrush.
Every parent should teach their kid and let them adopt the habit of brushing their teeth twice a day.
it is mandatory to brush our teeth twice a day.
Just make sure you brush his teeth twice a day.
You should buy a good toothbrush and use it to brush your teeth twice daily.
Failing to brush teeth twice a day is the principle cause of bad breath.
«With claims about his military record now exposed as false, Mr. Paladino must explain what inspired him to tell the NY Times that his military experience showed him that people from low income backgrounds needed to be taught how to «clean themselves daily and brush their teeth twice a day,» Cuomo Campaign Spokesman Josh Vlasto said.
In the updated guidelines, the ADA calculates kids» probable exposure to fluoride from toothpaste: Assuming that an average - sized 2 - year - old brushes her teeth twice a day and swallows the toothpaste, a smear of toothpaste (about the size of a single grain of rice) would result in 0.013 milligrams of fluoride per kilogram of weight per day.
Dentists recommend brushing teeth twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste and flossing teeth at least once a day.
They told me to make sure to brush her teeth twice a day and floss at night.
Just as you taught her to brush her teeth twice a day, so too, should she learn to wash her face twice daily, and apply topical solutions to help protect it.
Not only will it keep your non-dominant wrist strong, it will also benefit your oral health as you will be brushing your teeth twice.
Many people brush their teeth twice a day, but they neglect to floss and they're too busy for regular check - ups.
Brush teeth twice a day with this natural toothpaste.
I am not taking Ca supplementation and I do eat a plant based diet for the past 3 years or so, but I do use protocol for brushing my teeth twice a day.
We don't forget to brush our teeth twice a day to avoid decay, we wash our hands before meals to avoid germs, we «clunk click every trip» to avoid being battered in a crash, we ensure kids wear helmets when riding bikes, but why don't we remember to «slip slap slop»?
As we know, dental care recommendations for humans dictate that we brush our teeth twice a day and visit our dentist twice a year.
We brush our teeth twice a day and floss daily.
Most people brush their teeth twice a day to clean their teeth and prevent bad breath.
Ideally, you should brush his teeth twice daily, just as you do your own.
You don't really need to be meticulous in their dental and oral care like brushing their teeth twice a day or even flossing their teeth once daily.
You brush your teeth twice a day as part of your daily routine.
Humans (not all) brush their teeth twice a day, floss once a day, use mouthwash daily and don't do any of the things listed above that dogs do.
We brush our teeth twice a day.
In order to maintain your dog's good health, you should also check its ears regularly and brush its teeth twice per week.
You have to brush your teeth twice a day, floss, clean your tongue, may be use mouthwash, and so on.
Because small breed dogs can be prone to dental issues, brush his teeth twice weekly and plan to inspect and clean his ears weekly to avoid infection that can occur in floppy eared breeds.
Your dog's breath might not be as fresh as yours (assuming you aren't brushing his teeth twice daily), but doggy halitosis should not be a common issue.
If you brush his teeth twice a week, check his mouth often, and maintain regular vet visits, not only will he be healthy and happy, you will save money because you won't have to fund expensive dental care and surgeries in the future.
You might be wondering why I didn't take her to the dentist sooner or thoroughly brush her teeth twice a day.
I have worked with several parents who feel that way and therefore literally hold their child down, pry open his mouth and force brush his teeth twice a day!

Not exact matches

Think of feeding your starter twice a day like brushing your teeth.
She says you can start with brushing your child's tooth for about 30 seconds, twice a day, and then slowly transitioning to two minutes.
Protecting your teeth and gums isn't just about remembering to brush twice a day.
Brush your baby's teeth twice a day.
Have your child gently brush her teeth on both the outside and inside surfaces twice a day using a soft nylon - bristle child's toothbrush.
Use a feeding cup as soon as possible, definitely from about six months, and brush your baby's teeth twice a day as soon as his first tooth has come through.
Parents, make sure the kids around you know to brush their teeth at least twice a day for two minutes with a fluoride toothpaste.
Good dental health starts early — teaching your kids to brush their teeth at least twice a day is important for establishing a lifetime of healthy smiles.
While good oral hygiene - brushing and flossing twice daily, and regular dental checkups, can help to prevent tooth decay, regular candy and soda consumption increases the likelihood of your child developing tooth decay and gum disease.
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