Sentences with phrase «brutal death of a man»

Not exact matches

What other «god of the universe» would humble himself to become a tiny defenseless infant, submissive to a woman, suffer false accusations at the hands of man and die a brutal death to prove his love?
He renounced his godliness, took the nature of a common man, entered fully and without reservation into our human life, sharing its limitations — all its limitations — from birth to bitter death at the hands of blind and brutal men.
Goaded into brutal action by the lies of Cornelius Hickey, the crew of the Terror and the Erebus have shot five Netsilik men, women, and children to death, adding their bodies to the pile of two already assembled by...
Famously known for its backwards storytelling, Memento follows the story of Leonard, a man whose short term memory loss means he can't remember anything since his wife's brutal death, and his need to avenge her.
The scene is played as horrifying, with Spider - Man's death (in the arms of Iron Man, pleading that he doesn't want to go) feeling particularly brutal.
In other paired stories, an Imperial policeman who is forced to leave the continent after rumors spread of his homosexuality reappears as a doorman in New York City who brings solace to a young betrayed woman; a young girl held hostage in a brothel plots a brutal revenge against the madam who keeps her, and then the madam reappears as a wizened midwife who delivers a baby to a Hindu woman forced to make a terrible choice about the child; a Muslim boy who escapes a train raided by a murderous mob reemerges as a grandfather who has moved to London to be with his family and whose granddaughter struggles to save her marriage after the death of their child; a young cartographer alters a small section of the Radcliffe Line with terrible consequences, and then his boss reappears as a senile old man who sets off in search of a prostitute he often hires.
The fight is brutal, Garrett's men sent packing to the tune of twanging guitar strings as bright bursts of crimson signal their deaths.
Meanwhile, The Wall Street Journal reports that two police officers accused of the brutal killing of Khaled Said, the young man whose death sparked the current uprising, have escaped jail and are at large.
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