Sentences with phrase «bubble chamber»

This set of coasters includes five different designs, all of which show real reactions captured in bubble chamber experiments (including the famous discovery of the neutrino)!
Toil and Trouble Though the projects are still in their early stages, groups like Fermilab's Chicagoland Observatory for Underground Particle Physics (COUPP) are investigating bubble chamber technology as yet another WIMP search tool.
Inside the sheltered bubble chambers, ancient bacteria might have survived the harsh conditions of early Earth, says study coauthor Martin Homann.
Physicist Juan Collar and team are deploying a 4 - kilogram bubble chamber at SNOLab, Ontario, Canada to identify dark matter particles.
TKF: In bubble chamber detectors, WIMP collisions are expected to generate a single bubble, while other, more energetic particles are expected to trigger bubble tracks.
Having demonstrated that the bubble chamber idea worked, we proceeded to the task of building one large enough for practical laboratory use.
First neutrino tracks in a hydrogen bubble chamber, from the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (1970) Like many of these groundbreaking visualizations, this photograph was the result of combining a novel technology (the bubble chamber) with a known imaging technique (photography).
The world's first neutrino observation in a hydrogen bubble chamber was found Nov. 13, 1970, on this historical photograph from the Zero Gradient Synchrotron's 12 - foot bubble chamber.
It uses a variety of tools including VERITAS, AUGER and COUPP — dedicated telescopes, water tanks and underground «bubble chambers» — to observe known particles and to search for those that are so far only hypothetical, such as the dark - matter WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles).
But he said... Keith Tyson with his 2002 Turner Prize winner «Bubble Chambers...
In the same way, Keith Tyson's Bubble Chambers: 2 Discrete Molecules Of Simultaneity - vivid paintings with paired speech bubbles describing two events on the same date - is perhaps too accessible in its message about the randomness of existence.
Bubble Chambers, his pair of brightly coloured canvases covered with shards of language, is the one piece in the whole exhibition where people actually stop and stare a while.
And his Bubble Chambers was the one piece in this year's exhibition that seemed to capture their imagination too.
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