Sentences with phrase «bucket of something»

I wish I had a big bowl / pot / bucket of it right now!
Ice cream isn't my favorite dessert either, but I wish I could have a whole bucket of it to myself.
We keep a 10 gallon bucket of it in the spa, as it is one of the star ingredients in our signature CAP Beauty Elixir.
My girlfriend use to have lots of berry bushes in her back yard and I loved getting buckets of them.
We keep a 10 gallon bucket of it in the spa, as it is one of the star ingredients in our signature CAP Beauty Elixir.
At the end of the day, as much as we think our client's products will be compelling and possibly improve humanity, our clients also need to make money, preferably buckets of it.
So Sarah took the leap and, with the help of a contractor, spent nine months removing nails from damaged lathe walls, using a soft bristled brush to clean the antique brick, and demo - ing drywall before hauling buckets of it to a dumpster outside during blizzards.
Buckets and buckets of it.
Buckets and buckets of it.
If you went to a counselor to help you with your debilitating fear, the last thing that she would do would be to throw a spider into your lap or dump a bucket of them in your hair.
Still, Hancock's arm holds what looks like a bucket of something pink, and Marshall's bestial creations target a white stereotype of black people.
Deciding what to cut, what to run, what to expand, what to contract — all of that editorial effort goes into creating a bucket of something readable or watchable.
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