Sentences with phrase «buckle under»

Vinyl blinds will tend to bow and buckle under their own weight.
I buckle under pressure... some I knew... some I didn't... I froze.
But now, they're catching the eye of hedge - fund types who think some may soon buckle under their debts, much the way many homeowners did nearly a decade ago.
Also affecting rental yields in the year to come will be further rate increases along with tenants rental defaults as they buckle under the pressure of inflation and being over extended in debt.
They will buckle under from the spectre of interference from mediators or arbitrators on how to raise children... Let her settle for less money... some courts don't recognize that the mother is the primary caretaker when she has a career outside the home; a nanny notwithstanding, Mother does a second shift at home.»
The marriage is then less likely to buckle under pressure.»
To make sure that you do not buckle under this pressure, ensure that you are prepared in advance.
A rush to offload tokens has the potential to cascade onto an underlying blockchain like Ethereum, which could buckle under the strain.
However, no major issues have presented themselves since the start of Bitcoin futures trading other than the CBOE exchange seeming to buckle under the pressure of the intense volume of people visiting the website's newly launched service.
It's paired with 3 GB RAM to ensure your phone doesn't buckle under heavy load, and has 32 GB of storage which is just about the minimum amount of space you'd want in a smartphone these days.
«Retailers should be most concerned with the increased complexity of their sites and mobile applications,» he told the E-Commerce Times, «because heavier and complex sites are much harder to manage and introduce greater operational risk, and could increase the likelihood that they'll buckle under the pressure of peak holiday shopping.
A lawyer with the «wildest cross-examination skills in town,» Phoenix manages to get his witness to buckle under pressure.
I conclude that the forcible removal of M. from her mother's and her grandmother's care has a high likelihood of failure, either because M. will psychologically buckle under the enormous strain or because she will successfully resist re-integration with her father.
How any society tolerates disfavoured notions reflects where we are at in progressing forward, and by firing him, Google are acknowledging that women are just as capable as men, and staying true to their values... or did Google buckle under the pressure that Damore expressed arguably sexist views, so out of fear of public retaliation, they chose to fire him and avoid a negative backlash on their business?
It tells you that you're stupid and ignorant, that we know better than you, that the numbers are on our side, all the power and authority is on our side, and you had better buckle under or else.
Such industries could buckle under the inflated costs of electricity, which could end up more expensive than the electricity bought from the joint Nordic «pool», says Stephen Thomas, professor of energy policy at the University of Greenwich.
Themes are densely elaborated; verbs buckle under adverbs; and as the show's title (copped from Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost) suggests, much of the visual vocabulary on display oozes with innuendo.
Don't buckle under all the hate guys, the ones that are still upset will never be satisfied unless you give them something like GTAV.
They simply hit the point where the game has been «safe» for the initial few months where they particularly care about revenue, and so are now unlocking it to try and squeeze some more money with false sympathy for the anti-DRM crowd who buy into it and buckle under and get it.
Let's see YOU not buckle under the pressure of it all, doing everything that he had done and going through everything that he had to endure.
When we see large stock market corrections, they buckle under the stress and end up panic selling at the worst possible time!
Maybe students get a benefit, but then would the entire state higher ed system buckle under the strains of the program infrastructure.
The Lightning system was a bit of a let down Large and complex PDF files buckle under the pressure Online bookstore is very expensive
The demands of teachers on their students nowadays are insanely high and most students buckle under the continued pressure of their classes as they struggle through the upper levels of academia.
This is creating an industry wide eBook discovery problem, which many companies buckle under the pressure.
You end your argument with this sentence: «Their search engines and databases simply buckle under the pressure.»
The smaller screen makes PDF files difficult to navigate and large files buckle under the pressure and crash the e-reader.
I will not buckle under and buy the hardware they are putting their manga on.
If he really cared about the heroine he wouldn't buckle under the pressure of being horny.
Is it worth the price of admission, or does it buckle under the weight of its lofty ambitions?
If anything, they buckle under pressure in the end.»
The show is a romantic one after all so before Ellis can buckle under the weight of her homesickness she meets the dark and daring Italian plumber Tony (Emory Cohen) on the lookout for Irish girls at the local ceili.
It holds an 84 % rating at Rotten Tomatoes with the consensus being, «Though it threatens to buckle under the weight of its meta gags, Deadpool 2 is a gory, gleeful lampoon of the superhero genre buoyed by Ryan Reynolds» undeniable charm.»
The pressure is on in the Criminal Minds Season 13 premiere to find Mr. Scratch (Bodhi Elfman)-- but is Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler) going to buckle under it?
So front - loaded with cliches that it initially feels as if it might buckle under the weight of its own derivativeness, Battle: Los Angeles eventually finds its footing during an explosive bridge battle around the midway mark, and subsequently muscles through with the efficiency of a battle - hardened Marine.
«The Proposition», «The Road» and especially «Lawless» had all the right elements in place, but seemed to buckle under their own dramatic seriousness and weighty big - name performances.
Credit goes to Peter Sellers for the hilariously candid moment (after all, he improvised a majority of his lines), and though most actors would buckle under the pressure of playing three different roles, he positively thrives on it.
It may buckle under the weight of Marvel mythology, but Joss Whedon's superhero sequel is a lot of fun
Don't let the arms buckle under the weight of the legs.
Quite simply, you wont see the trace of a bulky belt or buckle under thin sweaters or tops.
A giant star starts its life innocently, when gas and dust buckle under an assertive gravitational pull to form a baby star.
So in order for a diva to successfully demolish a wine glass, she would have to fortuitously choose one with microscopic defects that are big enough to buckle under pressure.
Tony Blair, it is true, did buckle under the pressure of a backbench uprising and agree to resign.
But the former shadow justice secretary is not one to buckle under the weight of political attack by his opponents.
And we've seen a bipartisan process buckle under the weight of these withering forces, even as we have produced a proposal that is by all accounts a common - sense, reasonable, non-ideological approach to target the root problems that led to the turmoil in our financial sector.
The quick exit was an astounding refusal to buckle under to calls to quit from Pelosi, Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Rep. Steve Israel, who heads the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
It doesn't buckle under heavy loads.
One concern is that the frame has been known to buckle under the weight of heavier babies over the course of time from extended use.
I now realize that wherever there is a large concentration of users on the ATT network, you can bet it is going to buckle under the pressure.
Will he buckle under the pressure of both transfer speculation and replacing France's main man?
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