Sentences with phrase «budding photographers on»

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As a budding food photographer my heart ached a little, but as an enormous foodie I was beyond excited at the burst of flavors awaiting me on my very messy plate.
If you're a budding nature photographer, this bag is great for packing both photography equipment and some extra supplies to take with you on a long hike or overnight shoot!
So, aside from being a «jack of all trades» in all things fashion and creative, a budding designer and possibly future author, Adam is also a photographer in the making as well and runs a photo blog on Tumbler called «Up and Adam»!
Initially focused on print media, Paringaux, who is half Japanese and half French, moved to London to pursue a graphic design course in the London College of Communication where, alongside budding photographer Matt Irwin, he produced and released five issues of a student fanzine.
If you are a budding photographer and videographer and love learning about all the manual settings on your camera, then you may decide that a dSLR camera is just right for you.
If you know any budding photographers, do share this blog post with them on Twitter, Facebook or link back here from your own blog and help us spread this competition!
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