Sentences with phrase «buffer from»

A buffer from the nonverbal communication that occurs in face - to - face conversations.
IECs even have a buffer from telephone communication, in which a powerful sales personality could dominate them with the right pacing, tone, or temperament.
Without getting into too much detail, these are both new regulatory scenarios that, generally, require banks to hold more capital to buffer from potential risks on CRE loans.
Perceived social support refers to «an individual's perceptions of general support or specific supportive behaviors (available or acted on) from people in their social network, which enhances their functioning and / or may buffer them from adverse outcomes» (Demaray & Malecki, 2002, pp. 306 - 307).
Short of ridding these factors from their lives entirely, ensuring they can experience nurturing, loving relationships will buffer them from long - term negative effects.
So focusing on that relationship should provide a really effective buffer from the anxiety caused by thinking about death.
If you practice these 10 strategies they they can help buffer you from the worst of the emotional whiplash that comes with long distance relationships and shorten the amount of time you spend stuck at the bottom of the roller coaster, depressed.
Having a close, positive relationship with one's siblings is not only a source of life satisfaction, but can also provide a buffer from stressful events, such as parental absence, marital conflict, and illness.
It is designed to help partners regulate their emotions and to serve as a buffer from the stresses and strains of life.
Nor do they often have connections, education and status which would buffer them from inquiries by the child welfare agencies.
Effective intervention, such as home based and early education programmes, during the child's first three years can buffer them from the effects of preterm and low birth weight (Msall and Parts, 2008, The Spectrum of Behavioural Outcomes After Prematurity).
In terms of ages, there is a thirty - year buffer from 50 to 80.
This fluid acts as a buffer from ordinary knocks and jolts to the brain in the same way that packing peanuts protect a fragile item from damaging bumps when it is being shipped.
For three years, while calling on President Obama to reinstate the rule and fix this Bush - era injustice, Appalachians have continued to endure waste - dumping into their streams, without any protective buffer from extremely harmful mountaintop removal mining operations.
American energy abundance in conjunction with the energy resources from Canada and Mexico continues to provide an important buffer from foreign energy supply disruptions that in previous decades would have disrupted supply and destabilized energy costs.»
The mixed use facility, designed to be 52 % more efficient than a traditional building of its kind, went with green walls to provide a buffer from the harsh Arizona sun and heat.
So even with those stringent limitations > (sure about the 500 km buffer from urban areas??)
The kelp forests would have provided many sustenance opportunities, as well as acting as a type of buffer from rough water.
«You're putting money in the savings account because it's a buffer from high - interest rate debt when unplanned expenses arrive.»
After two years of working really hard, Khalid has a bit of cash in the business which has given him a bit of a buffer from slow payers or lean months and so far everything's worked out fine.
For example, if you decide to remove bonds from your portfolio when their returns are down, they'll no longer be there to buffer you from losses in your stock portfolio when the markets inevitably turn again.
Grey divorcés might consider placing a portion of their take from the marital estate into a conservative vehicle — like a fixed annuity — to buffer them from loss and offer guaranteed income in retirement regardless of how the market performs.
The equities will provide our portfolio (and thus our future spending opportunities) with growth and the bonds will both provide today's retirement income and serve as a buffer from the volatile returns of a long - term growth portfolio.
There is still an older generation there to buffer us from being the next to go.
I serve as buffer from all of the unnecessary distractions hurled at us.
Cramming this many A-list names onto one bill was meant to be a buffer from (or, even more pathetically, as an enhancement to) the bizarre nature of gross - out comedies.
For that reason, an increasing number of female college seniors are turning to matchmakers, seeking marriage as a buffer from temporary unemployment.
First up is a body wash infused buffer from Spongellé.
This quilt is lived - in soft and just the right weight for the surprising chill of desert winters or when you want a buffer from the AC in the summer.
It's as if the body actually uses weight as a buffer from the world.
Seagrass beds located near corals may provide a local buffer from the effects of ocean acidification.
The findings have important implications for New Orleans and other coastal cities that rely on coastal wetlands to serve as buffer from destructive extreme weather events.
This shows that CSR investments can be a double - edged sword — do well and they'll buffer you from dismissal, do poorly and you're more likely lose your job.»
We suspect that PED use may provide a physiological or psychological buffer from the detrimental effects of stress.»
The good news is that the reverse is also true: cash can buffer us from indulgence.
Some researchers explain this wanton violence through «terror management theory»: To buffer ourselves from fear of death and reinforce our self - esteem and worldview, humans construct elaborate and sometimes violent defense mechanisms.
For the first time, I had to accept that I couldn't buffer her from every struggle in life.
The district plans to design the park to blend with the Riverwalk and design landscaping that would help buffer it from nearby residences.
But there's one thing that might buffer them from that fate: a good mom.
So, it was nice to have a woman with me who could buffer me from that fear - mongering that the hospital and doctors so unconsciously imbued.
Banyan Botanicals Pitta Massage Oil - Certified Organic, 12 oz - Calming, cooling, soothing - Softens the skin while providing a buffer from the irritations of daily life *
The huge bonuses of offer by this company will also buffer you from losing your invested money while trying out new trading strategies on this platform.
The equities will provide our portfolio (and thus our future spending opportunities) with growth and the bonds will both provide today's retirement income and serve as a buffer from the volatile returns of a long - term growth portfolio.
Our app takes advantage of the built - in share menu that shows up in most apps, to let you add updates to Buffer from anywhere on your device.
Additionally, exposure to companies that have the potential to sustainably increase dividends over time may be an opportunity to target steady growth — as well as income that can help provide some buffer from volatility.
For example, if you decide to remove bonds from your portfolio when their returns are down, they'll no longer be there to buffer you from losses in your stock portfolio when the markets inevitably turn again.
Sometimes external channel partners will attempt to buffer you from your real customers, insisting that all input and measurements come through them for filtering and control.
Diversify across different industries such as healthcare startups, real estate startups, and something else just to be buffered from potential industry fluctuations.
Without a compelling testimony to the transformative force of organized religion, the None will linger curiously outside her shrines, buffered from the communities of faith that could channel more wisely those persistent upward longings.
In some ways, Marcus serves as Malik's publicist, buffering him from coaches and media who want to reach him while polishing his image to the outside world.
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