Sentences with phrase «buffering effect»

If high quality child care can potentially buffer the effects on infants and young children of insensitive caregiving and family stresses, then efforts to improve the quality of care normatively available to children from difficult family settings seem warranted.
The first is a fiscal policy that acknowledges the role of the government social safety net in buffering the effects of creative destruction, seeks to provide those services in an efficient, market - oriented fashion, and pays for those services with a simple and transparent tax system.
Thus, family cohesion may constitute a general protective factor, potentially buffering the effects of exposure to interpersonal violence on health outcomes.
From eighth to ninth grade (i.e., transition into high school), fathers» effective parenting buffered the effects of deviant peer association on their daughters» conduct problems, whereas both fathers» and mothers» influence was stronger for sons when deviant peer associations were lower.
The relatively large risk premium associated with seniors housing (the difference between its cap rate and the risk - free 10 - year Treasury rate, estimated to be roughly 500 basis points) may help buffer the effects of higher interest rates on seniors housing cap rates, since the risk premium has room to potentially shrink toward the premium afforded to other commercial real estate asset types.
Maternal warmth buffers the effects of low early - life socioeconomic status on proinflammatory signaling in adulthood
«In contrast, less strain from the spouse buffered this effect
If 25 gallons of water are removed and replaced with tap water having a pH of 7.0 and a hardness of 6.0, the tap water will have little buffering effect since the two levels are not much higher than the tank itself.
When I teach it, I just show a chart that shows watts coming in, watts reflected by the surface and atmosphere, watts trapped by GHG, and then talk about climate sensititivity, do a couple multiplications to show the math matches predictions (also accounting for the ocean buffering effect), and there you go.
Diverse farms tend to have smaller fields with more edges, which can mean there's a greater buffering effect on nitrogen runoff by surrounding grasslands or woodlands.»
I was making an obtuse comment, essentially agreeing that the deep oceans, covering most of the earth, have a profound buffering effect on the climate.
Counter-intuitively the different dissolved CO2 species exert strong buffering effects.
Besides, there is about 50 times as much CO2 already dissolved in the oceans than there is in the atmosphere, so that even if all of the CO2 in the atmosphere were to make its way into the oceans the pH would scarcely change even in the absence of the overwhelming buffering effect of the rocks.
A significant interaction of Relationship Satisfaction × Self - reported Vision indicated that higher relationship satisfaction buffered the effects of self - reported vision on functional limitations (B = − 0.51, β = −.14, t = − 3.80, p <.001) and depressive symptomatology (B = − 0.71, β = −.12, t = − 3.35, p =.001).
From seventh to eighth grade, effective parenting by both mothers and fathers buffered the effect of higher levels of peer deviance on conduct problems across adolescent gender.
Marital therapy has been suggested as a treatment for couples with a depressed spouse on the basis of the strong association between depressive symptoms and marital distress; the role played by marital negative factors on onset and maintenance of depressive disorders; and the possible buffering effect of interpersonal support and enhanced intimacy on depressive symptoms.
Importance of mentalization as buffering the effect of insecure attachment on psychological control, and effect of maternal negative emotion on psychological control toward adolescent children are discussed.
Resilience is a research approach that focuses on factors and processes buffering the effects of adversity and stressful life events.
The presence of a best friend buffers the effects of negative experiences.
High support thus buffered the effects of permissive parenting.
Furthermore, it would be valuable to find buffering effects for the negative influence of workload on detachment from work.
These findings suggest that daily emotional support only buffers the effects of daily parenting stress on daily positive mood at low stress levels.
For full - time employed men and women in dual - earner couples, positive experiences in the role of partner or parent buffered the effects of job experiences on psychological distress.
Kelp beds and forests, valuable ecosystems that house all sorts of marine life, may help buffer the effects of warmer and increasingly acidic waters (SN Online: 12/14/16).
Maternal warmth buffers the effects of low early - life socioeconomic status on pro-inflammatory signaling in adulthood
«These findings suggest family and community factors at play that help children in immigrant families buffer the effects of adverse childhood experiences, and that whatever these resiliency factors are, we should work towards protecting and extending them to subsequent nonimmigrant generations,» says
In itself, a loss like that isn't going to upend anyone's retirement plan, but it doesn't merely portend declining long - term returns for bonds: It could also reduce the buffering effect of bonds in a portfolio that contains stocks.
The oregano will help to buffer the effects of these free radicals and improve the flavor of the meat.
It would appear that adequate financial support can have a buffering effect.
This act of increasing support can buffer the effects of the mother's inability to connect.
We can expect this buffering effect to decline.
Pet dogs provide valuable social support for kids when they're stressed, according to a study by researchers from the University of Florida, who were among the first to document stress - buffering effects of pets for children.
It argues that women are more vulnerable than men because they tend to earn less money, are less well educated, and have fewer resources to buffer the effects of global warming.
Additionally, having better family conditions might buffer the effects of a poor quality neighborhood, or strengthen the effects of a good neighborhood.
Another advantage of social networks is their ability to buffer the effects of adverse events.
Other benefits, says the EPA, include: providing amenity space for tenants (in effect replacing a yard or patio); reducing building heating and cooling costs due to the buffering effect of the plant matter and soil; filtering pollutants like carbon dioxide out of the air and heavy metals out of rainwater; and increasing bird habitat in otherwise built - up areas.
«How brain's reward system lessened distress over 2016 election results: «Buffering effect» of 2 key regions shielded some from depression, UCLA psychology study finds.»
«This is the first study to show this buffering effect of the brain works for events that are political in nature,» said senior author Adriana Galván, UCLA associate professor of psychology and a member of UCLA's Brain Research Institute.
However, the presence of strong family bonds did have a buffering effect in that, despite growing up in a home affected by domestic violence, some young adults who described strong family bonds also showed increased self - esteem and reduced anxiety.
This buffering effect of family bonds was seen when the domestic violence between their parents / caregivers was reported as either physical or psychological violence.
Despite the buffering effect of landscape heterogeneity, Arctic ecosystems and the trophic relationships that structure them have been severely perturbed.
This effect on some genes may be a result of the buffering effect of living in a complex, interdependent society, where the «collective genome» is less vulnerable to dramatic environmental changes or other external threats, Robinson said.
With the kinds of rapid environmental changes we're seeing now, however, this buffering effect can actually prevent species from adapting fast enough,» Thompson said.
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