Sentences with phrase «build habits of mind»

This foundation helps build habits of mind, habits of character and tools for self - expression.
«We have to build a habit of mind that it is worth it to work through hard reading.»

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This interest is part of a wider movement of reclaiming practices that cultivate the habits of heart, mind and body that form faithful Christians, build Christian character and enrich church life.
How a top Los Angeles trainer builds healthy habits throughout his day by using his four pillars of sweat, eat, mind right, and community.
When you slowly build up your discipline and your follow - through, and you make what you do into a solid habit that you don't have to really think about and debate in your mind all of the time... that's when the magic happens, and when you rely less on willpower and more on your overall momentum to easily keep going.
One challenge everyday for 14 days to build the habit of doing at least one thing daily to improve your body and mind.
Lessons from the Data Wise Project: Three habits of mind for building a collaborative culture.
The habits of mind are the qualities that teachers build and use in order to grow professionally: adopting a research stance toward their practice, learning together, and enacting self - efficacy.
In order to provide post-secondary opportunities for students, and by proxy the success of the America, students must not only build the skills associated with a strong academic foundation, but also the habits of mind and behaviors that are transferable to virtually any context.
As Hildebrand admits, she advocates «a long list of values along with attributes and habits of mind, which should, and could, be taught through the science curriculum,» but, as she goes on to say, «stating that these are desirable values and habits of mind to build into a science curriculum is much easier to do, than ensuring that this happens.»
It becomes immediately apparent that these competencies and habits of mind and work can not be adequately built using only traditional teaching methods — even if your school is strong by traditional measures.
Building on insights developed by David Perkins, Ron Ritchart, and Shari Tishman, Project Zero has created a large suite of «thinking routines» — exercises, activities, discussion prompts, and practices — that help students develop habits of mind that support good thinking in a variety of situations and contexts.
Which means that we're starting with that embedded knowledge of children, building that up and looking more at the capacities, you know the habits of mind.
In order to build classroom and instructional leaders who are committed to and support one another's growth, candidates meet in cohorts and small inquiry groups and develop the habits of mind to look deeply at their own and each others practice, offering feedback and inquiries to help one another identify the obstacles and avenues to great work.
Her most recent book, which contains a more extensive discussion of teacher - student interactions that contribute to building students» intelligent habits of mind, is Teaching for Thinking Today: Theory, Strategies, and Activities for the K - 8 Classroom (Teachers College Press, 2009).
Character Lab is a nonprofit that promotes the development and dissemination of research - based approaches to building beliefs and habits of mind that enable kids to learn and flourish.
Cycles in the Garden is a hands - on unit of study which builds scientific habits of mind and celebrates the cycles found in a garden community.
They will speak to the specific habits of mind that they address through their teaching, and how they prepare students for knowledge building.
Bad credit is really just a state of mind, a financial situation that's easily improved with a positive mindset, new habits, and alternative ways to build your credit profile and borrow money.
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