Sentences with phrase «build wheelchair ramps»

The agency offers to build wheelchair ramps at the homes of elderly city residents to provide easier access as they age.
In 2010, more than 700 Realtors ® worked at 31 homes making repairs, replacing roofs and building wheelchair ramps.

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If you have a curb or stairs from the parking lot to your building, make sure that your wheelchair ramps are placed near your handicap parking spaces.
The company has established a relationship with over 200 suppliers and they are the exclusive distributor of many products including home accessibility scooters, wheelchairs, home lifts, building lifts, auto lifts, ceiling lifts, pool lifts, bath tub lifts, hot tub lifts, scooter carriers, medical beds, wheelchair cushions, medical mattress, driving aids, handicap bathrooms, handicap fitness, handicap bikes, handicap lounge lift chairs, handicap door openers, handicap ramps and more.
Now more and more churches are building ramps and designing new structures or renovating old ones so that persons with crutches or in wheelchairs, persons who have suffered coronaries, etc., can enter easily.
Sunny Crunch Foods facilities, includes Wheelchair ramp accessibility to the main entrance of the building.
During its four - year existence, Military Missions in Action has renovated the homes of roughly 40 area veterans, building everything from wheelchair ramps to a home addition.
Think of a wheelchair - accessible ramp to a building: Not every single person needs it, but it significantly removes barriers for those who do, and signifies to everyone that the building is an accessible place.
The proposal is aimed at improving accessibility by adding elevators, wheelchair lifts and ramps and more secure building entrances among 10 schools, and expanding five crowded schools by adding new classroom spaces and other building additions.
That provision, known as Title II, covers fair access both to buildings (by requiring wheelchair ramps or elevators, for example) and to programs (by requiring interpretation for deaf students).
It is recommended to build the ramp large and sturdy enough for wheelchair use.
This means most buildings have wheelchair ramps at the entrance.
Side ramps, wheelchair ramps into buildings, and flat terrain all help make the place easier to navigate for disabled visitors.
Inside, the buildings offer lifts, access ramps and wheelchairs.
Objects of this nature featured in previous sculptures and installations include, the artist's own pajamas, worn and altered by processes of care and sleep, as well as twenty temporary access ramps, made or purchased at McArthur's request in order to enter and exit buildings by wheelchair.
Two of the more remarkable installations in recent memory are her Posey Restraint, 2014, a straitjacket strung drolly across a doorway between galleries in MoMA PS1's Greater New York, and her 2014 Essex Street show consisting of twenty portable ramps, via which the artist, who uses a wheelchair, had accessed various buildings from 2010 to 2013.
Our main building / facility is wheelchair accessible by a ramp from the parking lot on the north side of the building, and we provide dispersed wheelchair seating for open rehearsals and other public events.
People can choose to design a building to have ramps and elevators so that people who use wheelchairs have access or they could choose to only have stairs and deny access to people who use wheelchairs.
When you think of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you might envision ramps to make it easier for people who use wheelchairs to physically access buildings.
A U.S. District Court found that a residential landlord's refusal to install a wheelchair ramp or lift at the entrance of an older apartment building didn't violate the federal Fair Housing Act.
O'Brien recalls building a ramp for a home owner who relied on a wheelchair after a stroke.
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