Sentences with phrase «building coherent systems»

In the book, Tucker concludes, «high - performing states and nations are focused on building coherent systems of teaching and learning, focused on meaningful goals and supported with universally available, strategic resources.»
The EAA is building a coherent system and a performance - based culture.
The idea, as foreshadowed in the leadership of states, is to build a coherent system of supports to facilitate the implementation of instruction aligned to the content standards: student achievement tests, performance standards, accountability, align curriculum materials, aligned teacher education and professional development.

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10 If we interpret the system ideal in this way, we will find ourselves, per necessitatem, building up from the parts in the effort to construct larger and larger coherent theories and sets of theories, in a manner reminiscent of Nicholas Rescher's «coherence machinery.
«When you've never had that in your background and it's all about building this coherent, consistent system where you actually love your understanding of faith.
The task of thought is to build up a system of hypotheses that is consistent and coherent and that meets the tests of adequacy and applicability.
It engages school districts and school sites in the team building and consensus building required to produce a coherent system of discipline management.
I observed that the frenzied, pin - wheeling search for the next exciting recipe can make it that much harder for schools or systems to build coherent cultures.
School leaders had been so eviscerated by a compliance culture, that the skills to facilitate a coherent instructional mission and build the related structures and systems didn't exist.
Dr. Robert Marzano worked closely with consultants at Learning Sciences Marzano Center to develop the model, which is designed to integrate and build upon the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model for a coherent and aligned system.
The pockets of what Green, citing David Cohen, refers to as «coherent» teacher preparation initiatives are small and scattered, serving a small fraction of U.S. schools and teachers, and operating largely outside of the traditional public schooling system built to serve the urban poor and their suburban and rural neighbors.
Our aim is to focus on building capacity, at all levels, in the development of balanced, coherent, and efficient systems of teaching and learning.
Thus, there was a push for a uniform set of standards and the development of aligned assessments to build a more coherent system for educational improvement.
As Doug Knecht from Bank Street explains, systems should build «a coherent throughline from the central office and pedagogical supervisors to teacher teams and their students.»
That principle of building coherent, cumulative content characterizes the most effective school systems in the world, and for good reason: The systematic development of student knowledge in history, literature, science, and the arts is essential to high verbal ability — which in turn is the key to social mobility and college readiness.
There is a commitment in Nova Scotia to build a coherent, collaborative and coordinated approach to addressing all aspects of the justice system, recognizing the constitutionally independent roles of many participants in the justice system and that each part of that system must work to improve those areas in which is has primary responsibility.
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