Sentences with phrase «building socialist societies»

The four concepts were praxis, the poor, oppression, and socialism, and the Latin American proposition was that through the practical work of building socialist societies, the poor of the third world would throw off the oppression they suffered at the hands of the first world, especially the United States.

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In this particular instance it is not very difficult to imagine scenarios in the not - too - distant future in which there might occur resurgences of socialist policies and ideals: the failure of neo-capitalist regimes in developing societies and / or the formerly Communist countries in Europe to achieve economic take - off; the insight granted to sundry dictators and despots that, while socialism invariably immiserates the masses, it is a very good recipe for enriching those who claim to hold power as the vanguard of the masses; the «creeping socialism» (still an aptly descriptive term) brought on by massive government intervention in the economy in the name of some societal good, e.g., there could be an environmentalist road to socialism, or a feminist one, or one constructed (perhaps inadvertently) with some other building blocks of politically managed regulations and entitlements; or, last but not least, the actual restoration of socialism, by coup or by voting, in a number of countries, beginning with Russia.
The Italian Socialist party gradually began to build up not only a network of institutions — labor unions, mutual aid societies, and cultural organizations — but a distinct subculture, what according to Arturo Carlo Jemolo might almost be called «a new religion.»
Howie is a socialist who believes self - organization, independent political action, and international solidarity by the working class and oppressed people for full political and economic democracy is the way to build a society of freedom, equality, solidarity, peace, and ecological sustainability.
Every of these new states inherited momuments, buildings and infrastructures, which were built for the earlier socialist society.
A socialist society can only be built when workers collectively take control of that wealth and democratically plan its production and distribution according to present and future human needs instead of profit.
«The president and prime minister are talking about a «harmonious society,» about building socialist new villages, and improving the environment in the countryside,» notes Song.
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