Sentences with phrase «building value»

My partners are doing a good job of building the value of my equity... they don't really need my help that much.
In addition to the challenge of building value in an entrepreneurial company, they had the added challenge, regulation and liability associated with being public.
Option Impact supports real - time decision making that enables your venture partners to act quickly and wisely in building value for portfolio companies.
Whole life insurance covers a person for their entire life, gradually building value over time.
Resumes are much more effective if they directly tie your experience to the job, so you'll need to build your value proposition around this particular role.
The plan is to build value by having it be a rental for a few years while we are out of the state but to move there in the next several years.
It can also be defined as the investor's accumulation of wealth through building a value into an insurance portfolio.
Keep in mind that a logo does not equal a brand, but it does help build value in your brand.
You message should also focus on building the value of your work.
I do tend to keep a low personality profile these days... As a father and sole provider for my household I've become relentlessly focused on building value through links.
It's for this same reason that lots of fitness electronic gadgets have built their value as a tool to remind people that they need to lose weight.
In video, there are tremendous opportunities for companies to build value from derivative products in other channels.
As I like to say, you can't build value if you have no values.
This helps build value around your company's brand and improves retention.
It has four beautiful colors and some nice bells and whistles which build it value.
These motivational readers allow you to double your instructional time by teaching children important character building values while promoting practice with their reading skills.
These types of life insurance can also build value through a cash savings component.
Traditional homes, on the other hand, tend to build value with time, and homeowners insurance coverage must be adjusted accordingly.
In addition, the death benefit may increase over time as the policy builds value.
Finally, you'll also receive some hands - on advice for building a value portfolio.
Whole life insurance covers a person for their entire life, gradually building value over time.
This particular life insurance product builds a value based upon a set schedule — you will know the exact cash value of your policy on each policy anniversary.
I assumed at the time that the A's would flip him in the off season after building his value.
Never investors could benefit from the author's viewpoint, as it gives a consistent way to build a value investing philosophy in a single book.
Using your own domain to send traffic to not only builds the value of your domain, it also affords you the possibility of engaging in other forms of marketing not available to affiliates.
Additionally, it will continue to build a value chain, seeking to increase customer satisfaction through the timely provision of additional contents.
Investing involves holding the same securities for long periods of time to build value slowly.
As investors, we are supporting that vision by investing across the space industry and building the value network of entrepreneurial space.
Custom built their value proposition; then believed what they built.
If the difference between your price and what they want to pay is only a few hundred dollars, build the value once again.
This book focuses on how one needs to manage oneself before attempting to manage one's external business or relationships, and how it stems from building a value system for positive living.
Building value now will pay off in the future.
I'm not talking about stalking, I'm talking about discovering the most valuable relationships and finding ways to build value within them.
In addition, some investors successfully build the value of their long - term portfolios buying and selling bonds to take advantage of increases in market value that may result from investor demand.
You win by not losing, and compound it over time to really build value.
Perhaps this is why many researchers have found that other measures of value yield better results than book - to - market when building value stock portfolios.
Companies that are continuously building value allowing them to increase their dividend over time.
With strategic planning, smart design and targeted content, your business will consistently build value.
Since you have a restored bike, however, you are building value into it, so a different metric is needed for insurance purposes.
To live a healthy financial life it makes sense to diversify and build value in different vehicles.
Rental properties will provide the same steady flow of revenue and at the same time build value for the future.
Therefore, you'll need to build your value proposition around this particular job, laying the foundation for the strategy behind your resume.
People who buy stocks and hold them for long periods can build value over many years without paying tax on the gains until the shares are sold.
These motivational readers allow you to double your instructional time by teaching children important character - building values while promoting practice with their reading skills.
Just like that, the insurance agent gets a lot of the commissions in the first few years of the whole life policy and the policy itself does not build value.
My objective is to drive brand awareness and business development efforts to build value around core products, translating messaging into strong revenue return to the organization.
Our clients understand the brand - building value of customer satisfaction.
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