Sentences with phrase «buildup of gas»

Q: Is there a finding that could emerge related to, say, sea level that could get you more focused or thinking about the downside of the relentless buildup of this gas?
His stomach began to bloat, a sign of Gastric dilatation - volvulus — a potentially deadly buildup of gas in the stomach.
The big question is, given the inexorable buildup of these gases — a growth that even the most spirited optimists concede can only be slowed, not stopped — what will the specific effects be?
Anti-gas medications Some rabbits have a painful buildup of gas in the GI tract and the use of a variety of medications that break up gas in the GI tract may be helpful.
In my recent chat with Ed Miliband, the lead British climate official here, I mentioned my piece from awhile ago examining how even a best - case scenario for emissions of carbon dioxide in a world with that many people leads to an enormous buildup of the gas.
But none of them said that it's not an issue, that there's no sense of a downside to the relentless buildup of this gas toward levels that haven't been seen in millions of years.
The buildup of gas can end up pains and discomfort because it's trapped in the gastrointestinal tract of your baby.
If a baby gets air bubbles while feeding, it can create a buildup of gas in their body.
The buildup of gas happens whether you are pregnant or not.
In this case, Johnson theorizes that a buildup of gases destabilized the volcano, reinforcing the need to monitor multiple phenomena at once, including seismic activity, gas flow and heat.
It's possible that in sheltered lakes there was a buildup of gases over the surface water.
They have caused most of the buildup of gases to date, and they have the largest per capita emissions, the greatest wealth and the most technology.
This stomach - up orientation may be caused by a buildup of gases in the abdomen during decomposition.
Drinking carbonated beverages can also lead to a buildup of gas and make you feel puffy, so take a break from seltzer and other fizzy drinks.
Supplementing small amounts during pregnancy with anise seed and cardamom (which helps to relief nausea) can help to improve the assimilation of foods so they are digested better and don't cause a buildup of gas.
The caffeine in coffee can over stimulate your digestive tract, leading to a buildup of gas.
The buildup of both gas and water in the large intestine can lead to pain, cramping and a distended abdomen.
In your body, gas and bloating may arise from the buildup of gases released by the bacterial fermentation.
Usually the cap is not on tightly enough and the buildup of gas has leaked out.
If a dog begins to show symptoms of bloat and it is caught soon enough and the dog is rushed in to emergency medical care it is possible to untwist the stomach or relieve the buildup of gasses that are contributing to canine bloat.
During the passing of the food through to the stomach there is a buildup of gasses and the stomach begins to blow up like a large balloon.
It happens when the stomach becomes enlarged due to a buildup of gasses, and twists, cutting off the blood circulation.
The buildup of gasses in your dog's stomach will cause the stomach to feel much like a tightly stretched drum or a ball that has been overinflated.
This can cause a buildup of gasses and can make them more susceptible to gastric torsion.
(A companion piece by Karl Braganza, manager of climate monitoring at the Bureau of Meteorology, adds detail on the functioning of greenhouse gases, the lines of evidence relating warming to the buildup of these gases and prospects for future warming with unabated emissions.)
The heating and melting of these sediments can lead to a buildup of gases — and, ultimately, an explosive release.
If it were true, it would pose a big challenge to the piles of research pointing to a millennium - scale impact from the buildup of the gas.
What's firmly established is that the climate is warming, that the buildup of human - generated heat - trapping greenhouse gases is contributing substantially to the warming and that while the buildup of gases is steady, the rise in temperatures is not.
Most of the studies on the Arctic climate and ice trends cited to support the proposed listing assumed that the buildup of heat - trapping gases was probably contributing to the loss of sea ice, or that the continued buildup of these gases, left unchecked, could create ice - free Arctic summers later this century, and possibly in as little as three decades.
He also wants to know the main sources of carbon dioxide that account for the buildup of the gas in the atmosphere.
«If the current pace of the buildup of these gases continues, the effect is likely to be a warming of 3 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit from the year 2025 to 2050, according to these projections.
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