Sentences with phrase «bulky stools»

This lack of water can lead to hard bulky stools and the digestive problems that come with them.
Think of soft, bulky stools as the sweep your colon needs to eliminate everything along the way.
The can help get rid of bulky stool and that bloated belly.
Fiber is what causes bulky stools; the only place fiber is found is in whole foods.
They will also cause the pet to produce more bulky stools.
They actively prevent diarrhea, cramping and help create soft bulky stools.
Using a unique fiber blend, Glandex helps to create firm and bulky stools which help the anal glands empty naturally every time your pet defecates.
However, if you have hemorrhoids, you do not want bulkier stool, which will simply make the problem worse.
Try to cut your intake of Psyllium husk by half because it is very fibrous and super water - absorbent (due to high content of mucilage) and hence, can create a big bulky stool, albeit soft.
In addition, bulkier stool means that anal glands are put under more pressure, causing them to express normally.
Flaxseeds are full of insoluble fiber to help you pass soft bulky stools.
Diets containing plant matter produce softer, bulkier stools which just slide out.
TeeChia has both soluble and insoluble fiber from the seeds and oats that helps to form a soft, bulky stool that is easy to pass.
They actively prevent diarrhea, cramping and help create soft bulky stools.
A bulky stool is easier to pass, decreasing your chance of constipation.
Fiber retains water, which produces softer and bulkier stools — a great and natural prevention against constipation.
Consult your child's doctor if your child is pale, irritable or failing to grow or has a potbelly and foul - smelling, bulky stools.
Formulated with a unique fiber blend, Glandex helps to create firm and bulky stools to allow pets to empty their anal glands naturally with each bowel movement.
With a bulkier stool, your pooch will have an easier time emptying the anal glands during defecation.
Adding fiber to your dog's diet if he has anal gland problems can help clear up the problem by causing the glands to express themselves when your dog eliminates a bulkier stool.
Unfortunately, many of these cats had their constipation worsen because their compromised colon could not handle the bulky stool.
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