Sentences with phrase «bulky stroller takes»

My big bulky stroller takes up half of my car, so babywearing is the way to go.

Not exact matches

Speaking of that vacation, don't forget to mention how effortless that travel will be since you won't be taking a bulky pack n» play and stroller with you and you don't need to worry about getting bottles warmed up and washed at the airport, on the plane, in the hotel, while touring cities, when hiking in the woods, when hanging out at the beach, etc..
Instead of taking the bulky, standard stroller, parents can pick the lightweight choice for quick errands or travel.
They're pretty heavy, bulky, and take a lot of space, however, if you live in such place that you can't use standard and general double strollers — you don't have another choice.
After lots of research I came across this stroller I was looking for something fully reclinable as well as light nothing too bulky that takes up half of my car trunk.
They're wonderful for when baby is a newborn, and all the bells and whistles are fun, but mom gets exhausted carrying the large infant car seat onto the big bulky stroller; add in all the extras you need to take with you such as the diaper bag, purse and shopping bags and it feels like you're pushing around a dump truck!
Like most all - terrain strollers with the reversible seat, Vista is pretty bulky and takes up a lot of room in the trunk.
I agree it is very bulky as it takes up my whole trunk, and too large to take to stores / malls / museums, we have a more compact stroller for those trips but when we do use it we LOVE the ride and how easy it is to push.
It is a bit bulky, so it will take up a bit of room in the trunk, but if you have a stroller that has a reversible or removable seat, then they are often bulky.
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