Sentences with phrase «bull terrier when»

Leo's owner, Craig Cunningham, 33, who lives in Fort House, said he had no idea his kind - natured pet was an American Pit Bull Terrier when he bought him as a 12 - week - old supposed Staffordshire Bull Terrier crossbreed — and is urging the police to spare his life.
For instance you can reward your Bull Terrier when they complete a training task completely.
Bull Terriers can be very possessive of their food — do not allow another pet or a child to approach a Bull Terrier when he is eating..
Fashion designer Alexander McQueen left about $ 80,000 for the care of his English bull terriers when he committed suicide last year, and both Betty White and Oprah Winfrey are said to have trust funds for their pets.
Fashion designer Alexander McQueen left about $ 80,000 for the care of his English bull terriers when he committed suicide last year, and both Betty White and OprahrnWinfrey are said to have trust funds for their pets.

Not exact matches

He's a bull terrier on tracking back and provides great assistance to the intermediate defense when opponents are trying to counter attack, often winning balls and getting us back on the attack.
Things become even better, when Bella gives Ricky a birthday party with a cake and a present: a part Pit Bull terrier named Tupac (Tuss).
When Caitlyn the Staffordshire Bull Terrier was found last week, she was in a horrendous condition.
This means that when a bite occurs, if the dog's physical appearance remotely resembles any of the above mentioned breeds, American Pit Bull Terriers are usually held accountable and therefore, wrongfully villainized.
When people think about dog bites, they have a tendency to think in terms of pit bull terriers, when in reality, any dog that feels threatened may bWhen people think about dog bites, they have a tendency to think in terms of pit bull terriers, when in reality, any dog that feels threatened may bwhen in reality, any dog that feels threatened may bite.
«When people ask me if he's a pit bull,» says Maggie, «I tell them that pit bull is actually a generic term, and that Emmett is an American Staffordshire terrier mix.
1944), a divorcing couple was contesting the custody of their Boston Bull Terrier, and the court explained that it would approach the resolution of the problem «with full realization that no man can be censured for the prosecution of his rights to the full limit of the law when such rights involve the comfort derived from the companionship of man's best friend.»
Pit Bulls have a reputation on their own, which is why it is important that when you bring home a new Pit Bull Terrier that you seriously consider neutering.
Like other Bull and Terrier types, this breed rarely shows pain, so be prepared to attend to your dog when he acts abnormally or displays discomfort.
Bull Terriers have very powerful jaws and are able to chew off and swallow pieces of even the toughest bone, which may then cause problems when they cause a blockage in the digestive system.
When the first pits were brought to the US, they were already showing red noses, so a typical American pit - bull terrier is just a multi-bred strain of Irish pit with other strains.
Pete is celluloid proof that there was a time when the pit bull terrier had «a ridiculously amiable disposition.»
When a butcher wanted to slaughter one of his cattle, he would sic his bull - and - terrier on the unlucky bovine, and the game little dog would latch onto the bigger animal's nose, and the butcher, hammer in hand, would move in swiftly and bludgeon the cow on the head.
When aroused, the Mini Bull is every bit as intimidating as the Standard Bull Terrier.
When the American Kennel Club decided to recognize and register pit bulls, it changed the breed's name to Staffordshire terrier.
Television has people brainwashed about these dogs... little house dogs attack an bite people everyday but the American Pit Bull Terrier always makes headlines and is demonized... I am against dog fighting to the fullest I hate it with a passion pit bulls are not fighting dogs if you did research the Staffordshire Terrier are the original dogs bred to fight did ya know that??? Makes me sick when people stereotype an 9 times out of 10 they never even owned the bred
To add to the confusion, the name «Staffordshire Terrier» was changed to «American Staffordshire Terrier» in the 1970's when the AKC decided that the pit bulls still being bred in England had enough variation in type to warrant being called a different «breed».
But my desire to be a real dog man took off when I got my first American Pit Bull Terrier.
When the American Kennel Club accepted the pit bull into their stud books in 1936, UKC and ADBA registered pit bulls got their registered names changed to «Staffordshire Terriers.
I have been in the pet handling / grooming / training industry for almost 15 years... so believe me when i say that TAYLER IS AWESOME!!!! Tayler can handle my very energetic bull terrier with ease, and my pup is always happy to see her.
When you have found the right Staffordshire Bull Terrier breeder then it's time to wait for your puppy.
When these cruel animal - fighting sports died out, the remaining dogs were bred together and the first bull terriers were created.
It is no surprise, when seeing other myths that we are discussing in this article, that pit bull terriers often get the reputation that they have a bad temperament when it comes to their behavior as well.
They changed the name to Staffordshire terrier, and later, when they divided the breed again into two separate breeds, they changed it to American Staffordshire terrier and Staffordshire bull terrier.
Eventually, and hopefully, a time will come when this passes for the pit bull terriers, and they no longer become the fear of so many people all over.
It's just really interesting to me that when it comes to the American Pit Bull Terrier, people assume that its history will instantly cause it to attack another dog or person.
When talking about pit bull terrier myths, we have to discuss the topic of them attacking and / or biting an individual.
The Staffordshire Bull Terrier's roots lie in pre-nineteenth-century Britain, when blood sports like cock fighting, bull baiting and even bear baiting were popular pastiBull Terrier's roots lie in pre-nineteenth-century Britain, when blood sports like cock fighting, bull baiting and even bear baiting were popular pastibull baiting and even bear baiting were popular pastimes.
[2]- Through out this document, unless otherwise noted, when we refer to the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT), we are referring to the ADBA version which is more likely to be bred to the traditional APBT breeding standards.
So, when you cross a friendly breed, such as an American Pit Bull Terrier with a not so friendly breed, then you might get puppies that are not friendly.
So when you think you see a Pitbull, you may be looking at a dog derived from an American Staffordshire Terrier or Staffordshire Bull Terrier that can be mixed with any other breed of dog.
When a house was recently sold in St. Louis, Missouri, the new owner came into the basement to find that a Pit Bull Terrier was chained in the dark, filthy basement.
Problems arose when bulldog and bull terrier fanciers opposed the name American bull terrier, arguing that it was too similar to their breed names and that the breeds were not enough alike.
When selecting a Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppy, be sure to select the personality of puppy that suits your lifestyle.
When a Bull Terrier is barking, pay attention.
Origins Although there has been some discussion through the years about the origin of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, authorities generally agree that the breed can be traced back to the Mastiff - like dogs through the old Bulldog which, when crossed with British terriers, produced the first «Bull and Terriersterriers, produced the first «Bull and TerriersTerriers
Bull Terriers need a good diet that includes natural calcium, especially when they are youngsters.
Staffordshire Bull Terrier originated in England when blood sports (bear and bull baiting and then later dog fighting) were still popuBull Terrier originated in England when blood sports (bear and bull baiting and then later dog fighting) were still popubull baiting and then later dog fighting) were still popular.
It was 1817 when several English immigrants brought along some specimens of Staffordshire Bull Terrier into North America.
While that is the general consensus, both the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Labrador Retriever are good with children when they are trained to be so.
When bored and lonely, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier can be amazingly destructive when trying to amuse hersWhen bored and lonely, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier can be amazingly destructive when trying to amuse herswhen trying to amuse herself.
A lovable Staffordshire Bull Terrier from Jersey proved he was a «hot dog» at Crufts when he was crowned winner of HiLife PAT Dog of the Year.
Dyer interceded Sunday when the pit bull attacked a Jack Russell terrier on his street.
Quoting from The Miniature Bull Terrier, «So it was that when Hinks was rudely braced by some chaps who chided him about the lack of fighting spirit in his «pretty» dogs, he matched his forty pound female «Puss» against the sixty pound dog of one Mr. Tupper.
When it comes to an American Pit Bull Terrier, we talk about excessive chewing, destructive behavior and, in some cases, aggression towards people and animals, so there are serious risks involved.
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