Sentences with phrase «burden for someone»

This can be lots of burden for someone who is just entering college.
Even in the toughest economic times, our Government has worked hard to reduce the tax burden for Canadian families and Canadian businesses.
The rising cost of college has added an additional financial burden for many parents who don't want to see their children suffer under a mountain of student loan debt.
Student loans can be a heavy burden for young people, but paying off student debt as quickly as possible will help young adults to ramp up their savings plans.
Taxes are a great financial burden for business owners, and a tax lien is one of every business owner's worst nightmares.
It will also reduce the administrative burden for operators and authorities, and provide much more comprehensive statistical data on organic imports.
You're essentially asking someone to pay additional thousands of dollars per year, a huge burden for most borrowers.
The commission has said the rules would be a relatively low burden for most firms.
While student loans can be a significant burden for many graduates, if you understand your goals and your entire loan situation, you have numerous options at your disposal.
This is an overwhelming financial burden for families affected by a spinal cord injury.
Work - related injuries or illnesses can quickly become a major burden for small - business owners.
For certain we need to address the heavy test burden for students and teachers.
This will not only help alleviate the tax burden for people who consume fossil fuels in the form of gasoline and electricity, but it will also help low - income families.
Also, the feather - light texture wouldn't create burden for skin.
One way to increase the chances of putting off retirement is to pay for a degree (either fully or partially), and student loans are becoming an increasingly heavy burden for parents.
On the other hand, the insurance companies will also demand an additional «investment guarantee charge» which will be an additional burden for investors.
Debt becomes an even bigger burden for borrowers and shoppers may hold off on buying what they want, assuming that prices will fall again at some point in the future.
The cost of higher education and a decrease in public funding for colleges combined have become difficult burdens for new graduates.
The average student loan debt burden for medical students is usually pretty staggering.
Hiring nowadays does not need to be a complicated process or an extra burden for companies.
Being a successful divorced dad - that is maintaining a good relationship with the children despite being divorced from their mother - is an extra burden for dads to bear.
The new age has produced great opportunities for the artist paid for by great burdens for the artist.
This not only lowers the tax burden for individual investors but it also means more money remains in the mutual fund allowing it to grow faster over a longer period of time.
An annual fee can present another unnecessary burden for those on a tight budget.
Dealing with your debt can become a large burden for some.
Child care for that extra day off can become a major financial burden for working parents.
The fundamental issue is not the increased cost burden for employers and employees, but rather the purpose of company - led pension plans, he said.
And it creates a frustrating burden for everyone in the middle of a tragic moment: the need to ask for more while knowing that what's being asked isn't an unthinkable request.
This includes funding critical programs without increasing the tax burden for residents.
Because the need to manage their distress without the parent's help creates an added burden for these children, their exploration and learning is more limited than that of securely attached children.
Furthermore, these zombie homes decrease the property value of neighboring homes and become an enormous burden for local code enforcement and emergency service providers.
The estimated tax burden for state residents, at just 7.1 % of per capita income, is second lowest of all states.
It creates an immediate economic burden for individuals but not for the overall economy.
Financial concerns and providing estimates Depending on how many pets are in the household treatment can be a significant financial burden for clients.
Fund managers often attempt to realize capital losses at certain points throughout the year in order to offset capital gains, thereby minimizing the tax burden for fund shareholders.
But she has carried a heavy burden for years: a secret that no one must know.
It became apparent to us that homework demands represented a disproportionate burden for children of the poor and became a real factor in their decision to leave school.
As a result, the tax burden for public services is shifted to other taxpayers.
It's become a terrible burden for young people (and their ambitious parents).
Although the rich world's energy poor are largely forgotten in discussions about climate policies, they bear an unfair burden for well - meaning proposals.
The taxes will be a continuing burden for municipalities.
They are not meant to create a paperwork burden for the nursing home or simply fulfill the technical requirements of a state regulation.
Family - focused work is an important means of preventing various problems that may become a serious burden for society in general.
If that person did not properly plan ahead to cover their expenses they leave a tremendous burden for their loved ones.
And how can you reduce your financial burden for unexpected illnesses like this?
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